Mrs. Maelstrom

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Like squirrels scampering towards people with nuts, Cathy and Tom ran towards V.I.L.E because it drew them like moths to a flame. "Cathy!" The girl came to a halt as her brother ran ahead, turning and smiling upon recognizing the Nigerian boy.

"Jason, how've you been?" He smiled as she came over and lightly socked him in the arm. "Alright, mama's trying to get me involved in origami." "Have you told her you prefer ninja style?" "Yep." "Her reaction?" "Ninjas can wield paper stars too quote-unquote." Catherine laughed.

"Jason, is that you?" They both looked to the door to see Eileen in a formal dress so dark blue it was almost black with a black pearl necklace and matching lipstick. The clothing was dark and threatening but her smile was warm and inviting. The boy smiled.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Maelstrom." "If anyone asks he's the one that should be Mr. Danger. How's your mother Jason, still pinning for me?" "When is she not?" They all shared a laugh as they began walking down the hall. Halfway down, a loud female voice shouted out; "Olley Olley oxen free!" And they all looked up with a shared smile.

Upon ahead were a pair of female twins: one a calm quiet Japanese girl with long black hair and dark brown eyes who was beautiful in a mysteriously pale sort of way, the other an energetic girl with flaming cinnamon hair, a chipped tooth smile and a scar that came down the right side of her face, leaving a slit on the tip of her eyelid and a slight glaze to one of her bright green eyes.

"Bella, Evaline, you two haven't changed a bit!" Eileen exclaimed as the energetic one of the two almost crushed her in a hug while the other gently bowed her head.

"What's up with all the black Elly? You look like you're going to a funeral. Doesn't she Evy?" The black-haired girl in the V.I.L.E uniform barely nodded, which was more than enough for her sister. Anyone could tell Bella did most of the talking.

"So Elly, what brings you out to this neck of the woods?" Asked Bella as they made their way down the hall, Jason's arm looped within Catherine's and Evaline gliding alongside the team.

"Oh the usual; making sure this place stays family-friendly, is my club still running?" "Not as well as it used to according to the Cleaners, those two are so annoying." Said Jason. "Amen to that!" Exclaimed Catherine, before they high-fived. Eileen shook her head with a small smile.

"You guys should cut them some slack, they're only trying to help. They seem cold and distant, but they mean well." "Easy for you to say," whined Bella, "you're not the one going here." "Technically, she did go here once." Said Evaline in her calm, soulless voice. Everyone shivered upon hearing it. "Last one to the room has to stay after class and help Bellum!" Bella suddenly shouted, and they all ran off towards the Faculty room.

- - -

The final result was comical; Jason was first to reach the door, followed by Eileen, then Catherine, but Bella had crappy brakes so she slammed into them and they all fell into the room in a laughing heap, Evaline gracefully flipping over in traditional bad-ass karate kid style.


For her spot second to the bottom, Eileen tilted her head back and saw the faculty looking at her with smiles in their eyes, she grinned before pulling herself out and dusting herself off. She met Brunt's eyes with a playful smile. "Come on Brunt, if I didn't cause trouble what type of rebel would I be?" The Texan female smiled with the smallest shake of her head.

"Hey Ma!" Exclaimed Bella, popping up beside Eileen. "Can we have tomorrow off? Evaline wants to practice her sword skills with pop. Ain't that right Evy?" Evaline barely smiled before nodding, Brunt rolled her eyes.

"While I appreciate your concern for your sister Bella, I'm more concerned you're trying to get out of Cleo's etiquette test. Not that I blame you." Cleo rolled her eyes with a faint scowl. It was right around then when Eileen noticed her son sitting in his father's lap.

"Looks like someone didn't want for his sister." Both males smiled, the older one's more of a smirk. "Cathy talks a mile a minute," said Tom, "no way in hell was I waiting for her." Maelstrom chuckled before ruffling his hair. "That's my boy." Tom beamed at him with a childishly wide grin.   

- - - - 

From her spot away from Ivy and Zack, Eileen was silent as she looked over the city, hand playing with the necklace Mime Bomb had stolen not so very long ago.

It had been three days since she last spoke to Maelstrom, and neither her mind or her body let her forget it. All her dreams these past few days had been about what it would be like to start a life with him. Mrs. Maelstrom...the name refused to leave her mind.

After a while she had started connecting the dots; Cathy and Tom were their kids, Jason was Cathy's best friend and Paper Star's child who wanted to be a ninja-themed criminal but his mother wanted him to follow in her footsteps even though he was terrible at origami. The twins, Bella and Evaline, were Brunt and Shadowsan's kids, the former taking up after her mother with her bright green eyes, and the latter resembling her father in being strong and silent. Up until now, Eileen never thought about what the Faculty did outside of V.I.L.E, but she was beginning to think the two would make a fine couple. Opposites attract.

And then of course there was that offer Maelstrom had made to her about Cleo's ball.

Cleo's parties were always so mysterious, but masquerade was a theme she hadn't used in a while. The last time she did that she missed getting caught by a whisker and burned down her mansion. (As she had only a few months ago when Chase came into her place, shame, Eileen had some fond memories of that place.)

She was tempted to attend the party, it'd give her another chance to see Cleo, to feel if not for a little while that she belonged. Except...when she stopped and thought about it, it seemed the only place she ever felt she belonged was in someone's arms. Mainly...

His rich voice gently rose to her mind; "I hope to see you there."

"Carmen?" She said into her communicator. "Yeah Elly?" Her throat constricted slightly as she spoke.

"How do you feel about seeing Cleo again?"

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