"She says hi."

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Landing with a slight stumble on the ground beneath, Eileen's hands went to her communicator in her ear, a small secure little thing similar to Carmen's, she hadn't planned on using it but she was never so grateful she had it then she was in that moment.

"Elly?" "The psycho's angry, you better have that document secure!" "Almost, how long do you think you can keep her occupied?" Eileen ducked as a paper star narrowing missed her head. "Not very long. How close are you to being finished?" There was a pause. "Okay I got it, I'm out front." Eileen slid down a pipe and hopped to the ground, running to the woman in red with wide, frightened eyes.

"So much for using you as a distraction." "Shut up and start running!"


Morning came and Paper Star had succeeded in getting the Magna Carta and landing a punch on Eileen. It had been more than four hours but her cheek was still purple and sore.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Carmen asked as they sat in a booth aboard a moving train on its way to Agra City. Eileen didn't say anything at first, hand pressed to the ice packet on her cheek, left eye closed. "I've been wanting to do this for years, no way in hell and I gonna miss it." Carmen didn't say anything, gaze returning to the world outside. Eventually, they made their move.

Carefully following further behind, Eileen was just entering the car when the train passed through a tunnel and everything went dark. When the sunlight returned, the frustrated groan of a young man caught her attention. She ventured down the aisle and found a man handcuffed to one of the seats. It took her a moment to realize he was the same guy that interrupted Cleo's party, she giggled at the predicament he was in, he whipped around to look at her and sort of froze.

"How does someone get themselves handcuffed to a chair?" He frowned, he seemed the type of person who was used to doing that. "I didn't do it by myself!" She smirked slightly before sitting beside him, crossing her legs and gazing upon his stern face.

"What's your name?" He was a little taken back by the casualty of the question, giving her a skeptical look, she laughed. "Don't worry I won't bite." He relaxed, barely. "Chase Devineaux." He glanced at his wrists. "I'd shake your hand if mine weren't cuffed." She chuckled faintly before patting his wrists. "Eileen, but most everyone calls me Elly." He arched a disapproving brow.

"That's a rather childish nickname." She arched a brow right back. "Says the guy whose name is an action." The faintest signs of a smile tugged at his lips. "How old are you Elly?" She tapped her chin to think about it. "I think I'm...20? 21 maybe?" "You don't know how old you are?" She shrugged. "Eh, I'm a young soul." This time he laughed, and she found herself smiling. There was something oddly peaceful about their interaction, like they were old friends that hadn't seen each other in a while. Almost like-

"Eileen?" She jumped at the sound of Carmen's voice. "I got the documents, and a punch in on Paper Star, bloody nose, meet me at the rendezvous point asap." Before hanging up. She stood with an apologetic look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I must be off." He tried to hide his surprise as she stood. "Must you?" She smiled sadly before patting his cheek. "Au revoir monsieur Devineaux." Before taking to her feet and jogging off down the aisle, Chase watched her go with a faint smile. In the short time he had known her she seemed like such a nice woman, a daughter any mother would be proud to have.


Eileen found Carmen and the gang at their favorite ship in the harbor, when Eileen asked her where the documents were the woman in red smiled softly and said: "In good hands." And Eileen found herself not questioning it further. "Yo Elly," shouted Zack, causing her to look his way, "you gonna teach me how to eat caviar or what?" Eileen rolled her eyes with a light laugh before going to his side. As soon as she did, Carmen turned her attention to Player.

"Talk to me." From his room in Niagara Falls, Canada, Player's fingers skimmed across the computer keys.

"Nothing. Eileen's mom did a good job covering up her footprints, it's almost like she knew someone would get curious." Carmen glanced over her shoulder at Eileen as she began telling another story of her younger days to the Boston twins.

"Keep looking Player, it takes two to make a child." She looked back out on the horizon.

"Eileen may not care who her father is but I do, I don't know who my parents are, the least I can do is help someone else find theirs." "Yeah but, don't you think it's a little...rude going into people's personal life? If Eileen catches wind that you're snooping around she's gonna kill you." Carmen lowered her head slightly, silence fell as she thought about it.

"Just keep looking Player, there's gotta be something we're not seeing." Before hanging up, leaving the young male to listen to the dial tone.


Back on V.I.L.E the Faculty was furious for their own reasons, their arguments had the same energy as always; calm but with pure anger under the surface. While talking, Coach Brunt began to notice one particular teacher's disinterest.

"Maelstrom?" The man jumped slightly, pale blue eyes swiveling to her green ones. "You've been awfully quiet." He shrugged casually. "Is there anything wrong with that?" She didn't reply, the gears in her mind beginning to turn. A faint singing and skipping made everyone look to the door as the female psycho came floating in, diverting everyone's attention. Even Maelstrom was mad at her for breaking protocol, but Tammy was cool as a cucumber, tossing the ACME ID card onto the table and before the man. He took it in his hands to examine it as Cleo spoke.

"Did the Little Psycho run into her Mommy tonight?" The rest of them froze, suddenly remembering the nickname the insane girl shared with the one she had given her heart to willingly. A light blush dusted her cheeks as she nodded slowly, a less insane smile coming to her lips. "Mommy knows best." They all cringed as she said it, all except Maelstrom, whose eyes became a little wider. Tammy barely glanced at him before looking back to Cleo.

"She says hi."

He sucked in a breath so quick and sudden no one else noticed, no one except Brunt, who suddenly realized what might have been the real reason he sent Paper Star of all agents to get the Magna Carta, and it wasn't just because it was a paper themed crime.

Eileen. The female's face came back to her; sweet and smiling, the type a mother would be proud to call her own, but there was always something that made her frown. More precisely...


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