Easter Paradise

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Their heads held high, Eileen and Zack made their way out the building and to the car where the cleaners were waiting. Both of them noticed Eileen as she did them, she did the barest shake of her head, and they barely nodded in return. They'd keep quiet for the time being.

The ride was uneventful, of course Zack and Eileen's heads were covered so they couldn't share the location of Cleo's mansion. Though if it was the mansion Eileen was thinking of it was located somewhere up in the mountains, she remembered it for its glowing green windows and overall ominous feel. It was the same place she met Dash.

"Don't be nervous." She whispered to Zack as they stood in the living room awaiting their hostess's arrival. "I'm not nervous." She giggled before snuggling closer to him. "You know, I think I prefer this side of you." He chuckled nervously.

"I present to you," they both looked to the door by Dash, "Countess Cleo." The woman came up to the doorway in an equally elegant blue dress with long sleeves. "The queen of mean, the empress of distress, the hostess of-" "Zip it." Eileen bit her lower lip to keep from laughing as Cleo cut him off and strode in. Zack was quick to kiss her hand, Eileen bowed her head in a gentle hello.

"I see you didn't come alone." Eileen held back her surprise at Cleo's tone, as though she didn't even know her. For once, she was grateful for the woman's annoying stoic ways.

"The Princess of Canterberry madam, a pleasure to meet you." The hint of a smile came to Cleo's eyes, remembering the lessons she had taught Eileen, before telling Dash to wire the funds. Eileen smiled to herself as Dash did the work, V.I.L.E was feeding a lot of orphans tonight.

"Shall we dine Countess?" Asked Dash, holding out his arm to the woman, her face was blank. "Aren't you forgetting something monsieur Haber?" Before pressing the case into his hands and taking Zack's arm instead. Eileen watched the two of them leave with a playful smile, there was definitely chemistry between them, before turning back to Dash.

"Well Dashy, you win some you lo-" Only to abruptly cut off by his lips crashing onto hers, her eyes shot wide open as his fluttered closed, hands lazily wrapping around her waist. It took her a second to recover and push him off, seeing his eyes glazed with desire.

"What the hell was that?!" A lazy sort of smile came to his face, like he was high on something. "I do love it when you call me Dashy." Realization hit her like a brick to the head.

"You-you've had a crush on me?! I spent the last three years telling myself you're off limits and now you decide to make a move?! How long has this been going on?" A dreamy look came to his face, hands clasping beneath his chin. "The instant I met you I knew you were a unique spirit, it was like angels were singing when our eyes met." "I was four!" He looked at her with what could pass as a sickening flirty smirk. "You could say I'm a bit of a Lolita lover." Eileen wanted to puke.

"Look Dash, I think you're very interesting but you're too...how do I say this? You're too childish for me." He pretended to be offended. "Me? Childish? But I thought that's what you liked about me." Eileen's heart was racing now, he was too far gone, and she had said when she was younger that she did like that about him, over a tea party between the two of them.

"So that's why you were so eager to hug and hold me. And those kisses you placed on my cheeks...I always thought there was something too loving about them." "I had a dream for us you know," he began advancing towards her as she backed up, "we'd get married with the most adorable candy wedding and have a nice purple house with bunnies as our children." Her back hit the wall behind her with a gentle thud, sending shot waves of panic through her as he slowly placed a hand to the side of her head, eyes gleaming wildly as she squeezed hers shut, his grinning lips lowering themselves just beside her ear.

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