Mustn't Sleep

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Morning came and lucky for everyone the teachers were too tired to notice the faint circles beneath each student's eyes. Time passed the same steady way it always did for Fortress's owner and she didn't bother concealing her yawns throughout Bellum's class. In Shadowsan's she was a bit more awake, out of fear of stirring the man's wrath. By the time Brunt's intensive P.E. class was over, she was right as rain and ready to spend another night ruling her kingdom.

"I don't know Elly, we've been having some pretty close calls lately. Maybe it'd be best to just lay low for a while." Elly lightly rolled her eyes at Antonio as they entered Maelstrom's classroom; rather dark and chilly with wall to wall aquariums on either side of the room. "It's only a few hours of partying, what's the worse that could happen?" He shook his head with a sad pitiful look. "You take life too loosely, you keep this up and you'll never graduate." She whipped around, murder in her eyes. "I-" A faint chuckle made her freeze, eyes darting to the front of the room where she saw Maelstrom, standing by his desk with one hand on it and the other tucked behind his back. The look in his eyes was playfully coy, as if daring her to call him out on the gifts he had left the night before. Her face went warm. "Never mind." Before rushing to her seat, she knew how much he liked to see her angry and she was not about to give him the satisfaction of witnessing another one of her explosions. Eyes glued to her desk, she waited as he passed out today's assignments, relaxing a little when she noticed how easy they looked. Casually, he slid the paper in front of her, she smiled and eagerly picked up her pencil, only to jump when the back of his hand slid up the length of her neck. She could hear the faintest hum of delight vibrate behind his lips, seeing that hungry gleam in his eyes without even looking. Ever so slowly, he lowered himself so that he was looking over her shoulder, hand curled around her other one.

"Do you need any help, Elly?" She wanted to frown, she really did, only her friends and family were allowed to call her that. But the way he said it, with that tantalizing voice of his she couldn't help but find made every fiber of her being tremble. Those who knew Eileen knew she wasn't the type to be submissive, but there was something about the man that made all her walls come crumbling down.

"No thank you, Professor." He smiled before tilting his head so that his lips brushed over her ear. A shiver went down her spine as he nuzzled her gently, hands curling into tight fists under the table. In her franticness to calm down, she took a sharp breath and caught a whiff of his scent; a dark, musky sort of smell that to her horror was extremely arousing.

"You're so cute when you pretend to be sleeping." She froze at his words, heart hammering at the way his breath caressed her ear. Her lips parted silently and she found herself looking at him as he stood back up, his gaze falling onto them. So sweetly parted he found himself licking his own. Face and body burning hot, Eileen looked back down to her work as the man walked away, the image of her beautifully stunned face imprinted on his mind.

It went without saying Eileen didn't get her work done, or if she did, it wasn't as well done as she would've liked it to be.


"Come on Jean, just this once, I promise I'll make it up to you." Eileen needed someone to play lookout for the party tonight as Gray had already said no, he needed to catch up on sleep. Jean-Paul, the Frenchman who was only a little better than her when it came to leaping and jumping, was her last hope.

"I'm afraid not my romantic hopping friend, I need my sleep if I'm to study properly." Before going off to his spot beside Antonio, Elly groaned before slumping against the wall. Upon noticing Mr. Quiet Redhead, she smiled sweetly. "Hey." He jumped, whirling around to face her and blushing once their eyes met, he did a nervous nod. "You wouldn't want to come to another one of my parties would you?" He paused before shaking his head, she sighed softly. "Do you need to catch up on sleep too?" He nodded. "Well...thanks for being honest." He nodded again with a faint smile. He got ready to say something when Sheena called out for Eileen and the girl walked away, leaving the poor boy crestfallen.

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