Mommy's Little Psycho

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Since Black Sheep's first plan to escape was a fail, meaning the Faculty would be on their guard for a while, Eileen was allowed a chance to relax, not that certain issues let her. Thanks to Black Sheep's slip up, both of them had to suffer Coach Brunt's guilt, Bellum's surveillance, Cleo's attempts to tame BS's wild side. (Eileen not so much since she had been through Cleo's straightening classes once before and the woman pitied her.) And of course, Maelstrom's freaky psych exams. Commonly the Rorschach test, which Eileen quickly grew to hate because of his intense gaze on her the whole time and tendency to tell her the ink image was something...suggestive. Not that it stopped her from coming to his room every other night.

"What are your feelings for me?" He asked as Eileen sat on one side of his bed, sheets draped around her waist and back marked with his lustful scratches. It was around one in the morning and the end of one for the rare sexcapades in the man's bedroom. Eileen hadn't been surprised when she saw it for the first time; the entire room was made up of dark colors and a rather large aquarium to the right of the bed, illuminating the room with a pale blue glow, making their skin gleam when sweat accumulated.

"What do you want me to think of you?" She asked. He was quiet for a moment, before reaching beneath the pillow and pulling out a pack of cigarettes, popping the lid off and handing her the box. She glanced at it before taking one, he was quick to pull out a lighter with a flick of his wrist, she smiled before holding the tip over the flame until it caught. She took in a slow drag before lowering it with a slow exhale, he found himself watching the way her smoke danced in the little light there was, even her breath graceful.

"I don't want you to hate me." "Well I don't, not entirely." Pause, she drew another breath, cigarette tip lighting with a faint orange glow.

"You're fascinating in a pale, mysterious sort of way. And you know how to give a good time so I can't complain about that." "And yet you don't like me." She shook her head. "No. And I don't think I ever will." He trailed a finger up her backside, right up her spine, she sucked in a shaky breath as he rested his palm on the back of her neck.

"You're afraid of me." It wasn't a question, she didn't say anything but it was all the answer he needed.

"Outside the bedroom I've never hurt you, and I don't flirt with you quite as much anymore, yet you fear me." The hand holding her smoker balanced on one knee, head barely turning towards him. "You don't make it any easier." His hand slid to hers, wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing it gently. "Look at me." She did so willingly and his heart skipped a beat, she really was gorgeous.

"Are you planning to escape from V.I.L.E?" She shook her head. "My family can do without me for another year." "Do you miss them?" "Every chance I can." He gazed into her enchanting green eyes for a moment before resting a palm on her cheek, she jumped slightly at the contact, his touch was surprisingly gentle.

"When you graduate, you'll probably work mostly with your godmother when it comes to any sort of heist?" She nodded, he sat up slowly, thumb caressing the corner of her lips. Something glistened in his eyes as his other hand slowly trailed up her stomach, gently pressing against her breast, a smirk tugged at one corner of his lips.

"Wouldn't you want to work with me just a little?" Eileen found herself smiling as she brushed his hand away, allowing the other to kneed her breast.

"With all due respect Maelstrom, if I chose to stick with you, Bast would get suspicious for one, and we'd be at the risk of expulsion for another." His chuckled, eyes to her breast as he continued massaging it. "Bast...what a curious nickname, what's the story behind it?" She smiled before grabbing his wrist. "If you really want to hear it you'll have to be focused." He met her eyes with an alluring chuckle. "Guilty." She rolled her eyes before speaking.

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