Such Lovely Words

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Her footsteps were shaky as she made her way up the steps, the only thing she could hear was the frantic beating of her heart. It wasn't until the third time Carmen said her name when her hand went to her communicator.

"Yeah?" "Are you okay? You don't have to be there-" "No, no I'm fine, I can do this." Pause. "Okay, remember, we're right here with you." Out the corner of her eye, she saw Carmen, Ivy, and Zack perched in the shadows. She didn't have the heart to tell them she wanted to do this without them angel guarding her, but if she did they might get suspicious.

"Just don't get too close." "Of course." She managed a small smile before turning back to the task at hand and continuing her climb up the stairs, now more confident as she entered the room.

The place was darkly fascinating, with walls that were a dark, silvery grey and light grey/white chandelier hung from the ceiling, along one wall there was a banquet table with a wide assortment of portable treats, and masked people drifted like dead flowers across a still lake. Eileen took a moment to recognize a few people from her younger days before heading to the snack table, unaware who recognized her.

Picking up a dainty silver cup of caviar, she noticed the Cleaners behind the table, dressed as waiters with matching dark blue masks. "Vlad, Boris." She said, each with a slight nod, they both nodded back before heading off to monitor the area. Picking up a small spoon she had just taken a small spoonful of caviar when someone drifted up behind her and rested hand at her waist.

"Hello Elly." She almost choked on her food.

"Dash?!" She struggled to keep her voice low. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He took the cup from her now trembling hands and placed it on the table, sliding his hand to her shoulder and brushing his lips uncomfortably close to her ear.

"I have my ways." His fingers barely flicked her ringlets with a chuckle that made bile rise to her throat. "The real question is..." He drummed his fingers on her shoulder. "What are you doing here?" Now her heart was in her throat for a new reason.

Then a new energy entered the mix, a force to reckon with, reaching out a hand that grasped Dash's shoulder and had the both of them turning around.

The man was dressed in what looked like black silk, for it wasn't shiny like leather but still very smooth. The clothes fit his slim frame perfectly, even the shoes and gloved seemed made for him. A black hood covered the back of his head and a full face mask of a black skull covered his face. Eileen wasn't sure she knew the person until she caught sight of the piercing blue eyes peering out from behind the skull. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Back. Off." The voice was velvety but sharp as a knife, Dash paled when he heard it.

"I-" "Now." He gulped before promptly scampering away. The man watched him go with a light chuckle, in a daze, Eileen took a step towards him. It took her mouth a moment to allow the name she was thinking of fall from her lips.

"Maelstrom?" His head turned to her and her breathing hitched when their eyes met, her cheeks flushing despite themselves. He paused before barely bowing, one arm at his waist. She gasped out a faint, breathless laugh before curtsying in response. As a new song began to play, they both raised their heads and looked to the dance floor, his gaze returned to her masked face, sucking in a trembling breath. Even hidden her beauty made his heart race.

"Shall we?"

She gazed upon his outstretched hand with her lower lip between her teeth, like she was looking at something vile but familiar. She felt her heart beat, steadily but now a little quicker in her chest, and looked into those frost blue eyes. She smiled cautiously before taking his gloved hand in hers.

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