The Name

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Eileen had Sheena as a best friend, but a group of four that she called her pals in crime: Gray, Jean-Paul, Antonio, and Black Sheep. (Who was only part of the group because Gray was, she and Eileen had never been good friends because Eileen was friends with Sheena, whom the young lambkins hated with a passion.) Regardless, when it came to Eileen's nighttime rosters, they were always there for her, and she was always there for them. Which is why, when she got put in detention alongside the rest of them for throwing water balloons at Ms. Cookie Booker, she didn't complain.

"What about you Elly? What's your code name gonna be?" Eileen looked up from her book to the rest of the group, shrugging. "Dunno." Black Sheep rolled her eyes. "Seems pretty strange given the fact that that's what we're supposed to do while we're here." Sheena glared at the girl with enough power to melt steel. "There's nothing wrong with being a late bloomer." Black Sheep glared right back as Eileen awkwardly looked back to her book, seconds later Antonio popped up beside her.

"What are you reading anyway?" She smiled before showing him the cover. "Dangers in the Plant World, Volume I sounds intriguing." She eagerly nodded, ringlets bouncing. "It talks about the dark side of Mother Nature, did you know butterflies drink blood?" The boy paled, Sheena laughed.

"Dancing Mother nature, that's our Elly!" Gray's face lit up suddenly. "Wait a second..." He whispered, striding over and taking the book from Eileen's hands. "Hey!" He ignored her and began flipping through the pages. "A-hah!" Jean looked up with an arched brow. "What is it?" Gray held up the book from everyone to see. On one side there was a full-page picture of a purple flower, one the other the description which Black Sheep got up from her seat to read.

" 'Larkspur, a flower that, if digested, can cause weakness, drooling, abdominal pain, paralysis, and death.' " She looked back at Gray. "Yeah, so?" He arched a playful brow at Eileen, whose face was alight with wonder.

"It's perfect." Antonio nodded slowly. "Larkspur, the deadly beauty." Sheena leaped to her feet and draped an arm around her friend's shoulder.

"Larkspur, the beautiful purple thief, all in favor say aye." "Aye!" Everyone immediately exclaimed, Eileen beamed. "Aye." She said, before Sheena ruffled her hair.


"Wow Elly, that's one...unique outfit." Gray cautiously stated, Sheena smirked before elbowing him in the ribs. "Drool much Crackle?" Everyone laughed as his face went bright red.

At long last, everyone was beginning to feel like real criminals; code names for future heists, new outfits just waiting to be displayed, even their spirits felt higher. But no one felt more alive than Elly, whose daring persona had increased by the ten-fold thanks to her new uniform.

The silky two-piece was a bright, beautiful lilac, revealing her belly and a matching piercing she had been keeping a secret for the longest time. A white bow now proudly held her hair back, contrasting rather nicely with her brown locks and a pair of well-made purple flats crested her feet. It was the perfect outfit for not too much action but plenty of eye-catching.

"So, who's going off to clown college?" She looked up at Gray's voice, slightly shocked by what she saw; a mime, wearing a gray and black striped sweater, a pair of black pants that camouflaged with his shoes, and a black beret atop his red hair. His face paint remarkably well done, and if it wasn't for the red hair she wouldn't have known who it was.

"It's you!" Everyone looked at her, including him, he smiled and casually strode past her friends and up to her, sweeping his hat off with a graceful bow. She gave off a faint gasp, not really expecting that, before curtsying in her purple skirt. "Your face paint is very well done." He slid his thumbs under imaginary overall straps with a playful smirk, she giggled behind her hand.

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