Home Again

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It was around one in the morning when Carmen and Eileen came to a motel and settled in for the night. (Thank the heavens Carmen knew more than five languages.) The newly christened female went to sleep first but Eileen was hesitant. For the first time since their escape, she thought back to the one person that would actually be missing her; Maelstrom.

She didn't want to admit to herself, and really didn't want to say anything to Carmen, but she'd actually miss their nightly adventures, the fact that he let her smoke and stay in his bed for a little while, even his flirting would be missed. She thought about it for so long she began to wonder; was it really just desire they saw in each other, or something more?

She had liked the moments when he was protective of her, what girl wouldn't, but what if there was more to him doing that other then the desire to be her first? He had taken her virginity fair and square, made it clear telling anyone was out of the question, so why did he keep coming back?

"You really should stop worrying about it, you're out of his reach aren't you?" It was daytime now, Carmen and Eileen were in San Francisco, walking down the street to Eileen's house. Eileen had barely gotten any sleep the night before and when Carmen asked her what was wrong she was quick to tell the truth, hiding it seemed pointless.

"Yeah I know, but I just...can't help feeling he's waiting for me you know? Having trouble sleeping as I did last night, craving me like an addict in rehab. Does that sound weird?" Carmen arched a brow with a playful smile. "On the contrary, it further proves my father figure theory." She cast her a slight frown, then jumped slightly upon realizing they had reached her house.

"Oh! Here's home." The house wasn't all that different from the other largish apartments lining the block; two-story, narrow, guaranteed to have a decent-sized backyard, and not all to bright in appearances. From the second story, a young boy's face was pressed to the glass, lighting up upon recognizing one of the girls. His scream was slightly muffled as he ran from the window, both females could hear the loud stomping of his feet as made his way downstairs while shouting; "Mom, Elly's back!" Before bursting out the front door.

"Hey sis, where the fuck have you been?" Carmen's eyes went wide as her jaw dropped, Eileen wanted to melt into the ground, resisting the urge to slap the boy as he ran up and hugged her around the waist. 

"Hey Tommy, how's life been treating you?" The boy tossed back his head of curly blonde hair and beamed up at her with a lack of teeth smile and freckled cheeks. "Same old same old, where've you been? Mom said you were supposed to come back months ago." Eileen thought back to V.I.L.E and bit her lower lip. "We'll...talk later. For now, I want you to meet someone." She gestured to Carmen. "This is my good friend Carmen Sandiego." The redhead snapped out of her shocked state and held out a hand. "Hey there." He ran up and instantly hugged her around the waist. "You're warm." Carmen looked to her with a silent plea, Eileen was biting back laughter as he stepped back and returned to her side.

"So this is your all famous little brother." Said Carmen, looking over the both of them. "You guys don't look at all alike." "If I had a damn dollar for how many time someone said that..." Mumbled Tom under his breath, before Eileen whapped him upside the head.

"Eileen?" Everyone looked to see a woman in the doorway. She looked to be maybe in her mid-thirties and had beautiful dark olive skin and a flawless hourglass figure, which did nothing to damage her image of perfect mom wearing a white and pink checkerboard apron over a sky blue dress and no shoes. Her hair was an even darker brown then Eileen's and done up in a braided bun at the base of her neck, her darker olive lips in the same slight pout, and her eyes were a bright beautiful blue like the clearest sky in all of existence. Her entire face lit up upon seeing her daughter.

"Elly dear is that you?" The girl rolled her eyes. "Gee mom, who else would look like a younger version of you?" The woman laughed before noticing Carmen. "And you brought a friend! Bring her inside and you all can have some cookies and milk." The two siblings cheered before zooming up and past their mom, Carmen was a little hesitant before mounting up the steps and entering the front room, quickly welcomed by a warm hug from Eileen's mom. "One thing you should know about this family; everyone greets with a hug." Before letting go, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the living room.

The place was small but nicely decorated in '50s memorabilia, everywhere Carmen looked she saw seashell pink, black and white, red, or sea blue. But it was homely and smelled like freshly baked cookies.

"You came by just in time," said Eileen's mom, "I haven't been able to make cookies in weeks, business you know." She glanced at Carmen with a playfully arched brow. "Of course, not as complicated business as you youngsters being criminals is it?" Carmen smiled, she was starting to like this woman.

"Mom! Eileen grabbed the last two ginger ales!" Yelled Tom as the girl came out, one green can in each hand as she handed one to Carmen. "Canada Dry, nothing like it, let's go up to my room and talk." Eileen's mom smiled before kissing her daughter's cheek and going to the kitchen to calm down her son. The two females mounted the stairs and Eileen nudged open a door to her right with her foot, smiling at the gold and purple themed room within.

"Your mom lets you take drinks into your room?" She glanced at Carmen over her shoulder as she put the can on her bedside table and sat on the floor, leaning against the bed. "As long as I don't spill." She gestured wordlessly to the spot beside her and the redhead sat, hands still curled around her drink.

"Sorry about Tom, he has a bit of a...salior's mouth." Carmen smiled as she thought back to the first thing she heard him say. "That's one way of putting it. Look, Elly, I can see why you wanted to come back here, your family's amazing." Eileen smiled before taking a sip of her soda. "Well, I don't mean to brag, but they are pretty cool." Carmen rolled her eyes at her prideful tone.

"So...should I just, leave you to it?" Eileen arched a playful brow. "You heard mom; you're staying for cookies, then about an hour and a half of catching up in which my mom will want to know everything about you, then you're leaving. Oh, and don't tell her you're an orphan or she'll insist you stay overnight and the next thing you know she'll have a room for you." Carmen simply smiled, unsure what other way there was to react.


True to her word, Eileen's mother had Carmen stay for cookies, then forever and a day getting to know her. It was around sunset when Carmen decided to leave, Eileen insisting she saw her friend out. Once they were alone standing at the curb, Eileen faced her friend whose face still had a few crumbs sprinkled around her mouth.

"Wow." Eileen giggled. "Just...wow." Now she was laughing. "I mean it Elly, your family's hospitality is amazing." The brunette wiped a fake tear from her eye. "Yeah, I know." She straightened back up again. "So...I suppose you'll be leaving now?" Carmen's smile fell to a slight frown. "Guess so. But hey," she held out a hand, "we're still friends right?" Eileen's response was a hug, hands trembling.

"Always." Carmen smiled before starting off down the block. "Black Sheep?" She looked back, Eileen smiled while waving.

"If you're ever in the area, don't be afraid to stop by, you're always welcome." Carmen smiled before waving back. "I'll keep that in mind, see ya Elly." Her grin grew. "Bye Carmen." And the woman in red made her way down the street and around the corner, vanishing from sight. Only then did Eileen stop waving and go back inside with a small smile, knowing someday soon they'd meet again.

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