Entry 4

29 1 0

Dear diary,

I don't know whether to be happy or sad. I am happy because I did get a lot of love today and me and Jack are having more loving moments. I used his thighs and stomach as a pillow today and kissed his hand a lot. I ran my nails down his back a lot in Spanish and even kissed his back once. I even got to hold his hand for a little bit it made me the happiest person alive, but I'm also kinda really sad because we can't just be a couple. I love showing love with him and honestly it's the only thing other than music that makes me truly happy. And oh gosh seeing his smile makes me smile because it is just the most amazing thing in the world. Everything from his smile to his love makes my day.  He's so amazing. I love him. Ughhhhhh I guess thinking about him I am very happy and that's a very good thing.


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