Dear diary,
Well I have good news and bad news bad news is I did make 3 cuts and burn twice. Good news is I made myself stop after that. I let myself cry then painted my legs with nail polish. Though the fumes are seeping into my head and making me tired and my head hurt it was still safer than cutting. I'm honestly really proud of myself. Oh and btw Jack I know you are reading this so I wanted to say no matter what you don't make me depressed. You are the only reason there is ever a real smile on my face. Sure I worry about you a lot and constantly. Sure I hate the situation we are in. Sure I absolutely hate that we can't just date and that does depress me but you never do. I love you blondey
Anyway so my new baby guinea pig is the second cutest thing ever. She was born last night or this morning and she is the smallest most precious baby guinea pig I have ever seen. And that's saying something considering I have 9 other guinea pigs. This baby has beautiful coloring and is freaking adorable. I already love it even though I can't know it's gender for 2 or 3 more weeks. I honestly hope it's a boy. That'd make jack happy. Gosh I'm finally smiling yay. Anyway I'm tired. Nighttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!