Chapter 8 - McNuggets

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Xiaojun went inside his car driving himself towards the party. It's not like he should put up himself up in mystery just because Minju already ruined his day. The girl certainly has issues with people liking her.

She's confused that someone might actually like her and pursue her because she never once thought that she deserved it.

Being adored.


Because she hates herself more than anybody.

Walking in, he saw Jungwoo and Kriesia talking. He got their attention right away. Kriesia was confused why he didn't arrive with Minju, while innocent Jungwoo greeted him politely.

"Where's Minju?" Kriesia casually asked.

Xiaojun ignored. Instead of joining the couple who would potentially mention Minju every now and then, he walked straight and saw Hyewon alone.


"Can I have this dance?" He asked.

Hyewon looked around searching for Minju. Where is she? Is he making her jealous?

"She's not here." Xiaojun told her. "As usual." He whispered the last phrase.

So Minju don't attend these kinds of events. She totally understood why. It's stupid. She's been standing here alone hoping for Hendery to dance with her but he ignored her completely or the food.

"Let's dance." Hyewon accepted right away.

Kriesia glared at Hyewon right away. That girl knew that Xiaojun likes Minju. Why did she agree to dance? What a traitor.

"What does it take to forget someone?" Xiaojun asked making Hyewon laugh at him. He's like a high school student who wanted to get over someone that he never dated. Her smile disappeared when she noticed Kriesia watching them with her killer glare.


This way she will pas this news to Minju.

"I don't know either." Hyewon said with a smile. "But I can help you get her. Trust me." She smirked at him confidently.

Xiaojun wasn't sure if he should agree with her. He wanted to get rid of this feelings he has on Minju. It's starting to drive him crazy. He couldn't handle it. He didn't even know how to describe how he feels right now.

He felt defeated, exhausted, suffocated, frustrated all at the same time.

"First, be cold to her from now on. No smiling, no talking, no more Mr. Nice guy. If I catch you doing these things, I'll make tell her that you made me a rebound girl." She threatened.

Xiaojun frowned in anger. As expected, he still want to maintain a good image for Minju.

"She wouldn't believe you." Xiaojun said but he sounded like he's doubting himself.

Hyewon laughed again as if she'd some female antagonist. "Kriesia's watching us right now." She said then slapped Xiaojun for no reason.

"How could you!" She yelled.

"What the fuck." Xiaojun hissed.

"I can tell them you asked me for a one night stand or tell them that you simply asked me to back off because you like Minju. Be careful." She said before she ran away, making sure to run in front of Hendery so he would notice her.

It was a perfect damsel in distress moment.

Kriesia rushed towards Xiaojun. "What was that about?"

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