Chapter 29 - Hell

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"And that I why I brought you with me. I want my father dead." She admitted.

There was along silence inside the car. Even Doyoung stopped talking by now. Now he finally understand the possible trauma that can be cause just by working on a hospital. Not every patient can survive, and workers see every single last breath of a dying patient.

Xiaojun even believes that he's unlucky.

"You don't mean that." Xiaojun whispered to Minju, taking her shaking hands to calm her down. Maybe she only said that because she was nervousn or she's still in shock.

Minju was silent, because deep inside, she knew that she meant it. She wanted her father dead. She wanted him gone, because she hates the fact that his family with Jinjin is complete after he left their family.

When they arrived at the hospital, they told Seunghun to take Doyoung home to rest for school tomorrow. While Minju was waiting for updates outside the emergency room, her mother and two sisters arrived.

"What happened here? Where's the doctor?" Her mother demanded. She ignored Xiaojun and glanced at Jinjin. "Who allowed these disgusting people here?" She pointed both at Jinjin and Rui.

Jinjin looks like she's ready to fight while Rui looks scared for his life.

"Mom, stop. They're not doing anything wrong." Minju tried to stop her mother make a riot, but she got slapped instead. "Not doing anything wrong?!" She yelled at Minju.

"She's been commiting adultery with your father and even had a fucking child made out of their sins!" She laughed together with Minju's sisters as soon as she said the last word.

"Mistresses aren't real wives. They're lower than trash." Minju's mother said triggering Jinjin to yank her hair, but Minju's sisters, Gain and Kahi pushed her away and almost fell on the floor.

"This is a hospital." A nurse tried to stop the noise and violence.

"Thank God you're here. These aren't real family. This is just my husband's mistress." Minju's mother told the nurse.

"He lives with me. He's been sending you divorce papers." Jinjin bragged but clearly, Rui just wanted to leave and not see this confrontation right now.

Minju's mother chuckled and grabbed her purse. "Very well then, you pay for the hospital bill." She said grabbing a folder of the divorce papers.

Jinjin's proud smile faded so fast when she saw Minju's mother signing the divorce papers. "If he ever come out alive, tell him that I'll see him in court." She said and threw the divorce papers on Jinjin's face.

She desperately gathered them. It was the papers that she needed to be a part of Minjuxs father's will and for Rui to get his father's surname.

Rui watched his mother on her knees picking up pieces of papers. Looking so desperate and cheap.

They always looked cheap.

His birth certificate doesn't even include a father, because it was embarrassing to put a married man's name on it.

"Wait!" Jinjin stopped them from their victorious walk out. "Actually I...I have no idea what his password in his ATM." The moment Minju's mother smirked, she turned to Minju instead for help since they were once living in the same roof.

"Dear, do you know your father's password?" She asked Minju instead.

"I..I have no idea to be honest." Minju responded because her father never once told her his password.

Minju chased her mother and sisters outside the hospital. There was a small cafe right across where they went straight at.

"Finally, she got the humiliation that she deserves." Kahi said, clapping her hands. Their mother clapped along.

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