your smile makes rainbows

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i stare at her. mesmerized by her light caramel chocolate eyes, the small dimples that form under her eyes, her smile that can make my heart skip a beat and the freckles perfectly chosen on her perfect face.

"sean, why are you staring at me?" She giggles, there it is again. her perfect smile, the way it lights up the room. she does something to me and i can't stop it. i'm utterly in love with her. now she finally knows and is mine.

"is there something on my face?" she asked, placing her hands on her cheeks.

"yeah, there is. it's beauty." i complimented her.

her cheeks turned a light shade of pink, she laughed once again and covered her face, slowly leaning into the crook of my neck. her laughs sent vibration down my spine and a signal to my heart to skip a beat like it always does.

i place her on my lap and take her hands off of her face.

"baby, stop it. you're stunning and perfect." i praised her and all her glory.

"no i'm not. stop saying lies!" she rejected my compliment, which is a common thing she does but i never let her get away with it.

"kaycee caitlin rice. you are a living goddess, there is none like you. you are so utterly beautiful and alluring. your eyes are shining stars glistening under the sun even if the sun is not out, your eyes are still gleaming with determination and love. your cheeks are voluminous and rosy. your cheeks are tinted with a shade of pink and has freckles perfectly placed on it and the tip of your adorable nose. your heart-" i point at her chest where her heart is located,

"is where the most precious thing in your body is. you're understanding and kind, you always try to see the good side of people even if it looks like they don't have one, but you always manage to find it and bring it out of them. your heart is made of pure gold, your heart is my source of happiness. maybe your heart has some scratches and cuts but that doesn't mean that it isn't beautiful like the rest of you glorious body.

and your smile, your magnificent smile that makes my heart rate pick up. one of my favourite things about you kaycee caitlin is your captivating smile, gosh your smile could make the sun look dull. your smile brings out your dimples and make your eyes look so- so cheerful and bubbly. you don't notice it but i notice that when you smile everyone instantly smiles, do you know why? because you radiate the positivity and happiness everyone has, you change the world without even noticing it kayc. i would rather die than see your smile falter even the slightest bit, i can't get enough of you ricebowl. you take my breath away but you're my oxygen, you make my day better just by looking at me. when you get lost in the world of dance and look like you're having such a good time it makes me happy, I love you so much it's too much for my heart to handle. i love your giggle, i love your jokes that don't make sense most of the time but makes me laugh, i love you references of friends or the office, i love when you wear my clothes and i just love you so much kayc. you have no idea."
i finished, watching as a tear fell from kaycee's eyes.

i smiled placing my hand on the side of her face wiping her tear off with my thumb. she leaned into my palm and snuggled her cheek against it, i let out a small chuckle. caressing her cheek with my thumb as i look her in the eyes. i brought her head close to mine and leaned our forehead against each other, I gave her a small smile showing my dimples, she returned the smile whilst closing her eyes.

i closed my eyes leaning towards her, not leaving a space between our lips. i place my lips gently on hers before slowly moving back opening my eyes, i see her open hers. i place my lips to the top of her head and laid a sweet and passionate kiss on it.

i could feel her smile without even looking at her-

"kayc, your smile makes rainbows."

um, hi<3

this is a short one and very rushed, so sorry about that.

there is a blackout where i am and i have nothing better to do so-

anyways, thanks for reading😎


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