dear, you.

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dear, you.

hi kayc, i heard you got married and you are expecting twins, congrats. i heard from bailey that you got you're on studio and you went on a world tour with billie eilish! that's amazing, it's always been your dream to your the world. i'm happy for you.

how was the wedding? josh and julian said it was really fun, i wish i was there.
i bet you looked beautiful in your white dress, walking down the aisle. moments away from committing yourself to a man. i hope he gives you everything i couldn't, gives you the love you deserve because... you deserve everything, kayc.

we used to be the best of friends, what happened? we drifted apart. we drifted too far, by the time we realized we lost each other we were on the opposite ends of the world. i tried to text you and call you but you never saw them, i remember when i called you for the first time in a couple months and you were so shy. you didn't tell me that was going on with you and your life, you didn't tell me you got engaged. didn't tell me anything.

i showed up to a get together you had, you invited all our friends. my friends, that you didn't even bother to text or call for months while you were spending time with your boyfriend. anyway, i saw you, your curly hair still voluptuous, your eyes that still glowed in the dark lights of the house, your rosy cheeks and the dimples of your eyes still the same from when we were teenagers. you were shining overall, you were the sunflower in the field of roses. i caught your eyes and a spark of hope filled my body hoping that you saw my face and was reminded that for me it wasn't over. but that spark quickly died when you wrapped your arms around your then boyfriend, now husband.

i wrote this to tell you that i'm gonna try to let you go. maybe i'll find that's almost as good as you, someone like you. i wish you the best, the absolute greatest life, without me. i'll try to live, i will try to live my best life knowing that you're not gonna be by my side. that i won't have my best friend. don't forget me, please. when you're off living your dream, accomplishing and receiving opportunities, don't forget me.

i remember when you would use the reference 'boyfriends and girlfriends go, but this is for life.' from friends. you were right, boyfriends and girlfriends do go, but sometimes, friendships will go too.

time flies, doesn't it? it's funny to think that 11 years ago we were having the time of our lives? it seems like only yesterday we were 16 years old, doing the things we lived while inspiring people all over the world, making a youtube channel, laughing at the funny reactions of sean lew approved. never in a million years would i have thought this would have happened to us, we were supposed to be forever. we were born and raised, thinking that life would be this handful of life-changing experiences, it was going to be fun, you would grow up, make friends, go to school, find your soulmate and would live happily ever after. never thought it would be this difficult.

mistakes were made and regrets. if i could take all the mistakes that were made, i would if it means i could have you back. our mistakes helped us mature our relationship. it made memories that i will forever cherish, they're engraved in my brain. i never imagined losing a friend would hurt this bad but it's you. kaycee rice, my best friend. who would have known how bittersweet this would taste, how achingly terrible this feels.

people say it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.

in this case.

it hurts.

forever yours,
            sean lew.

signing it off, he slipped it into the envelope and pushed it into the mailbox.

wow, another one shot!?

i'm on a roll.

also sorry for all these sad one shots, i've been having a rough time and expressing it through writing has helped me a lot.

i would also like to say that this is inspired by 'someone like you' ~ adele. it's a really beautiful and moving song and it has been one of my favourites this month.

thank you for reading <3

- heaven :)

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