one last time

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"i can't do this anymore, sean." kaycee croaked out, running a hand in her curly hair from frustration.

"w-what do you mean?" sean's voice was so low it was barely audible.

"i'm sorry, i can't keep doing this. we fight almost everyday over things we don't need to and it's driving me insane." kaycee sighed, grabbing her hair and lightly pulling on it.

sean was standing there, staring at her. he slowly walked up to her and placed his hand on hers, taking them out of her hair holding them with love and care. he placed his hand under her chin and tilted it gently towards him, looking at her deeply in the eyes, getting lost in the beautiful milk chocolate streaks in them.

"kaycee, love, it's okay." sean's voice always soothed her, he pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair like he always did when she was upset. whispering in her ear that it was going to be okay and they'll get through this like they always did. this time it didn't work.

kaycee forcefully pushed him away making him stumble, sean felt a pang in his heart as he watched kaycee walk away from him taking short breaths, her chest moving up and down rapidly.

"no. stop saying it's going to be okay when you know it's not. nothing's okay sean a-and you know it so stop trying to make me and yourself believe it is." kaycee broke down, tears streaming down her face.

sean looked down feeling his heart being squeezed painfully as he let kaycee's words soak into his skin and tear at his heart making him feel like there's blood pouring out, spreading throughout his body. he realized that she was right, they fought almost everyday and it wasn't healthy, it was toxic. sean would stay up for hours on end after they fought coming up with ways to apologize, and staying up till 6 in the morning blaming himself for the endless arguments. but he couldn't give up now, after 4 years he couldn't now. he wouldn't forgive himself for not trying, he had to try. and he'll make sure that it would never happen again.

"kayc, please. we can work this out. we always do, remember? we can't give up now, it's been 4 years and we're still together. kaycee, you know we're meant to be. everyone knows it and I know you do too. I'll do anything in my power to make you believe it, i'll fly into space and grab the shiniest star maybe the whole sun if i could. because I love you, kaycee rice. and i will do anything in this world to make you stay," sean cried out holding her hands while the tears he was trying to hold in fell out from his dark eyes.

"sean, please stop making this harder than it already is." kaycee whispered, ripping her hands away from his soft hands letting it drop to her side.

"as much as i love you, i can't keep doing this to you and myself." kaycee started "me and you, we weren't meant to last forever. we could've fixed this so long ago but we didn't try, it's too late now, sean."

"no it's not kaycee, we can still fix this. please don't leave me. i need you." he pleaded

"no, we can't. i'm tired of fixing things that can never be repaired. i'm tired of fixing things that will break again and again. i'm tired of spending my life fixing something that's too damaged. i'm exhausted being the one to continuously pick the pieces of our relationship and placing it back together to let it break again. i'm tired, sean. i can't keep doing this when i could be living my life to the fullest. i'm sorry sean, but i'm leaving." kaycee let everything out. when she finally finished she felt as if boulders have been lifted off her chest.

"you'll always be my first love, kaycee caitlin rice."sean breathed, finally accepting that she deserves to be happy even if it wasn't with him.

"and you will always be mine, sean charles lew" kaycee let out a sad smile.

sean walked up to kaycee and wrapped his arms around her waist digging his face into her hair enjoying the last time in her embrace, breathing in her scent for one last time. kaycee wrapped her skinny arms around his neck, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. she could feel the tears forming in her eyes as this will be the last time she will feel his warm embrace that made her feel at home.

kaycee pulls out of the hug and reaches for sean's face, cupping both sides with delicacy. she brought their damp faces- from tears- closer and leaned their foreheads together. sean pressed his lips against hers lightly, it was a sweet kiss full of love and passion. they could still feel the sparks as if it was their first kiss all over again. for one last time.

she pulled away, taking all the warmness in her lips with her. tears were spilling out her her eyes, she quickly wiped them away.

"walk me to my car, one last time?" her voice cracked as she looked at his dark eyes that were filled with sadness and grief. he nodded sadly following her to her car.

"i love you, kaycee." sean whispered looking into her eyes.

"i love you more, sean." kaycee sighed turning on the engine.

she gave one last smile and pulled out the driveway, quickly driving away. leaving him broken.

can he stare into those hazel eyes that glistened in the sunlight for one last time? can he kiss those light pink lips for one last time? can he see her smile would make him weak in the knees for one last time? can he hear those giggles that would be caused by him, that would be music to his ears for one last time? can he hug her again and breathe in her strawberry scent for one last time? make her feel the love she deserves for one last time?

could he have her again for one last time before she leaves him to find someone better?

was all he could think about.

just one last time.

i have no idea what this is so please don't hate me

anyways i had no idea where this was going when i was writing this so cool

and omg 645 reads already wow, thankyou!thankyou!thankyou!thankyou!


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