rice, steak and shrimp

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"don't forget to finish your assignment, kaycee. don't forget to do your homework, kaycee. don't forget to do your chores, kaycee." i mimicked my mom's voice.

i am currently sitting in the library, working on my assignment that was due in a week but according to my mom, you should get it all done before you procrastinate till the last day.

it's horrible, we have to write a 5, 000 word essay about the events of world war II.

it's been and hour and i only have 469 words. how am i supposed write 5,000 words. we go to school for 7 hours, work is all we do and then they expect us to go home and spend all our free time doing homework.

i blush when my stomach growls loudly, everyone's heads in the library snaps up towards me, their heated stares making me even more flustered.

geez, it's not like i pushed down all the bookshelfs.

i cough, trying to overcome the embarrassment. feeling the vibrations from my stomach. i go back to doing my assignment.

i checked my phone to see what time it is, i've been doing my assignment for hours now.

2:37 pm

it read. i gasp and my eyebrows knit together in confusion, it's only been 15 minutes?

my stomach growls grow louder when the scent of food fills my nostrils. my head whips to the source of smell and see that it was a guy beside me, eating a small bowl of rice, steak and shrimp.

you're just thirsty, kaycee. drink some water.

i told myself, going to grab my water bottle but to surprise, finding it empty. i groan as i realize that i left it in the fridge when i put it in there to cool. i try to distract myself by trying to do more of the assignment but my mind kept on going back to food. the smell kept on lingering in the air making me even more, painfully, hungry.

i sighed, running my fingers through my hair. i massaged my head, lightly. trying to massage away the hungriness, which wasn't doing anything, besides hurting my scalp from doing it too hard.

i'm hungry. i'm starving. god, please give me food.

i get snapped out of my thoughts when the boy beside me, looking around my age, aisan with black-raven hair, cute dimples and glasses that make him look fashionable and intelligent.

"here, you can take mine." he said as he pulled out a big container filled with my favourite, rice, steak and shrimp.

"oh, n-no thank you. its your food." i declined with a struggle, the growl in my stomach was begging for me to accept but i had to listen to my brain. never, ever, take food from strangers. my wise, but annoying mother had once said.

"i promise i didn't do anything, i didn't put any toxins in it. if that's what you're thinking." the no-name boy laughed. i nodded, a smile forming on my face.

"well how do i know you're not lying?" i questioned, my eyebrow cocking up.

"do i look like i would do something like that?" he reasoned, my eyes trailing down his body. his attire was casual, white joggers and a blue shirt with chicago printed in the middle.

yeah, he's right.

i thought, i nodded my head, shrugging my shoulders. i took the container filled with food from his pants and opened the lid, inspecting the food. once i finished and nothing was suspicious, he gave me a fork and i started eating.

"oh my god, this is so good." i moaned, mouth full of food, making him cringe.

"how- di- ho- did you make this..."

"Sean lew, just call me sean. and yes, i did." he answered proudly, my eyes widened in pure shock.

"wow, this is the best thing i've ever eaten." i gaped at the delicious food.

"well, thanks." he blushed, a soft shade of red dancing on his cheeks.

"are you like a chef?" i inquired, stuffing more of the delightful food in my mouth.

"no, i just cook on the sidelines. i'm actually studying under photography." he chatted, continuing on talking about his hobby. i listened intently. it was very fascinating, even though it was just some guy that gave me food that happens to be studying under photography, it was interesting to hear him talk with so much passion.

"what about you?"

"i don't know, just letting life do its job." i shrugged, pushing away the empty container towards him. 

"that sounds like a very great plan." he chuckled softly, making me automatically giggle.

"it's been working for me so far, so i guess it is." i nodded, my head tilting to the side. hours later, we were still talking when my mother had texted me, telling me to get home.

"can i maybe, have y-your number?" i asked, shyly. sean smiled and put his hand out for my phone. i gladly give it to him and he proceeds to write his number into my phone.

"thank you, maybe you can make me some more of your delicious rice, steak and shrimp?" i bubbled, innocently.

"of course, but the weird thing is... you never told me your name."

"oh my- sorry, it's kaycee, kaycee rice." i exclaimed, sticking my hand out for him to shake, which he did.

"I'll be sure to, kaycee."

"I'll see you next time?" i asked, curiously.

"next time, rice." he bid farewell.

till next time, lew. till next time.

authors note

hi, this is a mess.

sorry for not updating in awhile.

but here this is so, yup.

not edited, by the way, sorry 'bout that.

~ heaven

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