single ladies

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"everybody put your hands together." the song echoed in the back as they all danced.

kaycee laughed when every single girl in the room besides two or three put their hands together, following the demand of the song. it was kaycee's 17th birthday and she was having a little get together with all her girl friends, but instead of 4-5 girls it was 18 girls.

she laughed louder when her best friends, tahani and bailey, attempted to push her into the middle but failed when they fell into each other, cackling maniacally. once the chorus came everyone pushed kaycee into the middle gathering around her in a circle.

"all the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies..." it sung again.

"all the single ladies, now put your hands up." kaycee threw her hands up into the air, excitedly. her beaming smile growing bigger, laughing as everyone cheered and mimicked her, throwing their hands in the air in celebration. as the night faded on, she couldn't be more excited for her 18th birthday.

"hi, could i get-"

"a caramel crunch coffee, i know, sean." kaycee got a part time job at a coffee shop and the four weeks she's worked there, the same asian boy with fluffy, raven coloured hair, dark eyes, deep dimples on his cheeks, came in everyday she was in and asked for the same order every time, soon enough she memorized it.

"you got it." he winked playfully, shooting fake finger guns at her. she laughed and rolled her eyes..

kaycee made his coffee and made her way to the table he was currently seated at.

"one sean special." kaycee joked, setting the coffee cup in front of him.

"thanks, kaycee." she smiled at him, walking back to the cash register to aid the others.

the two came very fond of each other in a friendly manner. sean came in more frequently to give company to kaycee and sometimes order coffee. they soon exchanged numbers and in a matter of time, became the best of friends.

kaycee's 18th birthday came sooner and faster, making the excitement and nerves grow more and more as the days lead up to the big day. her 'little' get together - as she would call it - got larger. kaycee was a cheerful and bubbly girl, always greeting people with a smile and starting up a small conversation with people she was familiar with. everyone loved her, always returning or giving a small smile whenever they walked past her, they were captivated by her beauty and personality. as she grew, she made new friends and acquaintances, easily. she made sure to invite all her new close friends to her 18th, which made it 21 girls.

she and her mother had spent the night before decorating and blowing up the balloons. kaycee couldn't go to sleep that night, the excitement was eating away at her. but soon enough, she had drifted off into a deep sleep.

the day of, she woke up smiling ear to ear, rushing to get ready. later in the day, people finally started to come. doing some talking and dancing, they were all cut off when the music stopped for a second before the intro of the song started bouncing off the house walls.

the chorus finally came, "all the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies, now put your hands up." like last year, she was pushed into the centre of the circle and she threw her hands up in the air. the night went on and by the end of it, kaycee was exhausted, her legs felt like jello from all the dancing. although she was tired, she couldn't wait for her party with all her close friends she was hosting tomorrow.

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