Do you love me? (A One Direction Fanfic)

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Lexi's p.o.v

I hate school. It's seven hours of my life doing nothing but learning. I opened my locker and grabbed my science book, and slowly closed my locker, dreading what was in store for todays classes. As I headed to room B47,I saw an all too farmiliar face. It was the boy that I had fought with for years, and now he's attending my high school.

His name was Zayn Malik.

I slipped past him, hoping he wouldn't notice it was me. I happened to be so lucky, that he didn't see my face. maybe he did, and avoided me. As I sat in my seat, I prayed that Zayn wouldn't be my lab partner. "Hey." I took a deep breath. I looked up to see Zayn staring down at me, a smile plastered on his face. "Hi Zayn." I grumbled, giving him an ice-cold stare. He sat next to me, and I let out a loud sigh. I was hoping that Amelia would be my partner, but Zayn just had to sit next to me. "What's the matter?" He smirked. Obviously nothing was going to be different between the two of us.

"Alright class. Welcome back to school. I hope you enjoy where you are sitting, because these are your permanent seats for the entire year." said Mr. Lazzara. I shuddered at the thought of having Zayn as my lab partner all year. "So, to start off the our school year, you'll be doing a project on biology." Mr. Lazzara continued. "Who's our partner?" asked a girl in the back. "Since I don't want you choosing your own partners, and have absolutely no time to organise groups, you shall be partnered with the person sitting next to you." Mr. Lazzara said. School went on like this the entire day, just more bad news. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. Zayn. I shrugged his hand away, still angry. "Are you frightened by me?" He asked, his dark eyes boring holes into the back of my head. "Nope." I answered, trying to sound bored and uninterested. "You should be, Martinez." He whispered in my ear, walking off to the door. After school, I drove to Amelia's house so that we could do homework together.

"I saw you and Zayn having a rather 'intense' conversation. don't you hate him, or somethig?" "I do. He's just following me everywhere, and it's so annoying!" I sighed, burying my face in my hands. "Well, if anybody can resist somebody like him, it's you. Even if he is sexier than Channing Tatum." She wriggled her eyebrows.

Zayn's p.o.v

Lexi was the most stubborn girl I've ever met. I can't really blame her for building such a hard barrier to break. I'm the reason she's so guarded, anyways.

I remembered the day in full detail, as if it were yesterday. I had made Lexi cry. Ever since then, we'd spent middle school humiliating each other. "Should I call her?" I asked myself.

I quickly dialed her number, and after a couple rings, she answered.

"Hi this is Lexi."

"Um, It's Zayn." I said nervously.

She hung up. "God damnit," I muttered under my breath. I figured if I tried to call her, she'd hand up anyways, not caring about anything I had to say.

I honestly don't blame her one bit.

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