Ch. 27

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Zayn's p.o.v.

"What the hell did I do?" I shouted from the back seat of the squad car. "Shut up kid," the officer barked, and Lexi touched my shoulder. "Are we in any sort of trouble?" She whispered, putting on her innocent face. That's my girl! "I'm afraid I can't-" Officer James began. "Answer the damn question!" She shouted, and I covered her mouth with my hand. Eventually, Lexi grew tired and slumped against my shoulder. I stroked her hair. "Are we gonna be okay?" She asked quietly, playing with my fingers. "I don't know sweetheart," and with that, she buried her face in my chest. "Lex...." I sighed. "I love you," her voice was soft. "Love you too, angel."

"Go!" The man shoved Lexi into the station. "Hey!" I stepped in front of her, furious. "That bitch needs to get a move on!" He snarled. I took Lexi's hand, and kissed her forehead. "Zayn Malik? Lexi Fernandez?" A fat, bald man motioned for us to sit down.

"Are we in trouble?" Lexi blurted suddenly. "You're not in any kind of trouble, young lady, so stop worrying!" The man chuckled, and Lexi let out a sigh of relief. "Have you heard of Jason? Jason Malone?" He held up a photo of him. "Yes," I replied with a nod.

4 months later:

"Zayynnn!" Lexi called, running behind me. "Where are we going?" She asked for the thirteenth time. "You'll see," I chuckled, and she jumped on my back. "Piggy-back ride!" She giggled, her sitting on my shoulders. Her legs swung back and forth, her hands clutched my shirt. "Come on, we're here!" I gently set her down, and covered her eyes. After five minutes of walking, she opened her eyes. "Are we there?" She asked, and I nodded. "It's so beautiful!" We were on a hill, under a willow tree, the sunset turning the sky various shades of red, pink, and orange. "So....Graduation's in three days..." Lexi sighed, resting her head in my lap. "Yeah. It went by so fast." I took her hand. "I'm gonna miss seeing everybody," Lexi looked up at me. "We're going to the same college though," I grinned, and she smiled back at me. "Victoria and Niall are going too," I always wondered what went on in her head. "That's cool," I nodded, rubbing her palm with my thumb. "Zayn?" I glanced down at her. "If we ever get married, where would we live?" This made me chuckle. "You love Paris, so we'd live there, or maybe in London. We'd live in a flat, with two puppies, and three kids." I described the life Lexi had always wished for. "But that's what I want. What do you like?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "I've always loved London as well, and I like big houses.....But I've always wanted a large family....So maybe four kids." I looked up at the sky. "I wish we could make that happen," she stated, hugging her knees.

"And now I present to you, our class of 2012!" As names were being called, I felt Lexi tap my shoulder. "How do I look?" She asked, putting on her hat. "Beautiful." I kissed her on the forehead, and she blushed. "Thanks. You look great too," her eyes flickered up to meet mine, and I smiled. "It's our big moment. Lets make it last," I took her hand, and our names were the last ones called. I stared out into the crowd. Cameras were flashing, people were grinning.

We exited the stage, and Stacey handed me my yearbook. "Let's look through it," Lexi sat next to me in the back of my pick-up truck. "Okay," I opened it. "What's up?" Niall jumped in the back, and Victoria followed. "Oh nothing, just looking at our yearbooks," Lexi shrugged. "You guys got cutest couple," Niall poked me, and I laughed. "Really?" I flipped to page 23. "I still can't believe Jason got arrested." Victoria frowned. "He deserved it," Harry sat next to me. "Hey, why don't we all go to Nandos?" Niall suggested. "And lets get Bella, Tess, Louis and Liam!"

Lexi's p.o.v.

I couldn't help but feel sad. I was going to miss my friends. "Lex?" Harry had been staring at me. "Yeah?" I smiled, and he frowned at me. "Are you okay?" We were walking home to his house. I shook my head. "I'm gonna miss you," I spun on my heel, and hugged him. "What college are you going to?" He asked, and I frowned. "LCS," When I saw a grin plastered on his face, I knew something good was about to happen. "I'm going there too!" He smiled, and I jumped up and down. "Yay!"

We stepped into his house, and I was greeted by his little sister within seconds. "Hi Lexi!" She was only three, and her green eyes were just as beautiful as Harry's. "Hi Julia," I smiled down at her, and she played with the hem of my skirt. "You're so pretty. I want to be just as pretty as you," she bounced up and down. "You're prettier than me. I'm jealous," I sat down on the couch next to Harry, and he chuckled. "Julia?" Anne called, and Julia went running. "Wanna watch Guys with Kids?" Harry asked, and I nodded. "Listen Lex...." Harry had turned to me. "Things don't need to be awkward between us. I know you're with Zayn, and I respect that. I want you to be happy, and I know you'll make a wonderful family with Zayn. So I don't want to make things any different than they were before." I nodded, and he pulled me into a hug. "Love you Haz," I closed my eyes, burying my face in his shoulder.

"Zayn?" I called, and heard him swear from inside his bathroom. "Fuck!" I opened the door, and saw blood dripping from his hands, and the mirror was smashed. "Zayn!" I ran over to help him. "Lex...." He began, but I ignored him. Slowly, I picked out each piece of glass from his hands. "Lexi." He stared at me. "Yeah?" I stopped, letting his hand fall into my lap. "Tonight, we're going somewhere," He was up to something. "What happened?" I pointed to the mirror, looking into his big, brown eyes. "Spider," he chuckled, kissing my cheek.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I asked, trying to pry his hands away from my eyes. "No, it's-" he stopped, and I felt his muscles tense. "Let's go babe," he took my hand, and I turned back to see three men surrounding one other person.

I'd like to thank all of my fans, and fellow wattpadders! You got me to 2,000 reads! Could you help me get to at least 100 votes? I'd love it, and I promise I'll check out you're stories and tell people to check them out if you do!! Luv ya! <3

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