Ch. 20

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Lexi's p.o.v.

"So...I'm thinking tomorrow...We can all go to the carnival." Niall suggested, handing me my soda. "Yeah," Bella and I said at the same time. "Great!" Victoria smiled. "Everybody shut up! I'm watching a Slender Man video!" Louis shouted. We all immediately rushed over to the laptop.

"Turn it off!" I screamed. "Please!" Zayn pulled me closer to him. "Dude, yore scaring her!" Zayn exclaimed. "Sorry," Louis paused the video, it frozen on a picture of Slender Man, behind a little girl. I started hyperventilating. "It's just a video." Zayn whispered. "Is he gonna kill me now?" I asked, looking up at Zayn. "It's not real!" Niall shouted, startling me. "Okay....sorry...." I whispered, hugging my knees. Louis started the video again. It kinda interested me.

"Yeah, I miss you so much! I want you here with me!" I giggled. "Of course! I feel like its been forever since I saw you," My mom sighed. "Gotta go, we're going to the carnival in two hours." I opened the closet. "Skinny jeans. Definitely." I laid them out on the bed. "I wanna wear this." I mumbled, grabbing my black shirt with a white daisy on it. "Hey." It was Louis. "Hi Lou," I blinked, grabbing my black converse. "I'm sorry about the video," he sighed. "Nah, don't sweat it. That tree guy or whatever the heck he is, I know he's not real," I smiled, feeling Louis's arms wrap around me, lifting me off my feet a bit. "Thanks." I headed into the huge bathroom. "Time to shower," I told myself, slipping off my clothes.

"Zayn!" I covered myself with a towel. "Sorry!" He covered his eyes. I giggled. "You're too cute. You just scared me!" I wrapped the towel around my soaking wet body. "Can I look now?" He asked. "Yes," I kissed his cheek, heading off to get dressed and do my makeup. He slapped my ass. Hard. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"One hot dog please," I giggled, handing the man three dollars. When he gave it to me, I turned to everybody else. "Zayn? Your penis is longer than this, right?" I asked. "Um...Yeah." He blushed. "You'll know sooner or later." Niall shrugged. I slapped his arm lightly. "Maybe I will,"

"Oh my god! Lindsay!" I heard somebody screaming at me. "What the-" I began, but he started dragging me away to the worst place possible.

The kissing booth.

"Hell no!" Zayn shouted just as the man pushed me into the booth.

"Hi, I'm Jake," the boy with darkish hair smiled. "Okay. That'll be a dollar." I rolled my eyes, leaning in. "Pete." The next guy seemed shy. "I'm Lexi. And that's my boyfriend." I pointed at Zayn. "Here." Pete handed me five dollars. "But-" he lightly pecked me on the lips.

Two hours of this shit went by, and I was finally let go. "Yeah! I'm free, bitches!" I shot my fist into the air. "Well....Can we still get kisses?" Louis blushed. "Please. You're my VIP's." I chuckled, kissing Louis on the nose. "Lighten up!" I giggled, and Niall soon had me in a headlock position. "Niall!" I laughed, struggling.

"Smile!" Bella chuckled, punching my arm. "I can't," I sighed. "Why not?" Victoria asked. The boys had gone to get food, and we were alone for now. "Because....." I sighed, pouting. "Wow....." Bella rolled her eyes. "Whatever." I walked ahead of them, being all alone. I felt so distant from everybody. It was like they didn't want me to be with them. Maybe I should book an earlier flight! Wait, then I'd have two tickets. "Hey Babe," a tall guy, about my age, was staring at me. "If you're gonna stare, keep your eyes on my face!" I groaned, sitting down on a bench. "What's the problem?" I hadn't even noticed I had sat next to another boy until he spoke up. "Nothing. I just want to go home." I hugged my knees. "Baby?" It was Zayn. "You okay?" His voice was gentle. "I have a migraine." He scooped me up in his arms. "Do you wanna go back to the hotel?" His fingers were resting on my arm. "I can walk. You go have fun," I threw my arms around him, giving Zayn a kiss. "Fine. But call me the second you get back. And if anything happens-" I sighed. "Nothing will happen!" He looked me in the eyes, his jaw clenched. "Okay, Lexi." He kissed my forehead. I started walking. It was eerily quiet and I was starting to get creeped out. That's when I saw it. A boy was turned around, he had thick, curly hair just like Harry's. "Harry!" I screamed. He turned around. "Harry!" Tears slipped down my face. I was so happy! He came to be with us! "Hi," We hugged for a long time. "I missed you. I cried on the way here! Ask Louis! He keeps making fun of me," I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. "I have a headache, so I'm heading back to the hotel room." I smiled. "Wanna walk together?" When I nodded, Harry put his strong arm around my shoulders. "Harry..." I whispered, looking up into his bright green eyes. "Love you," Harry whispered back, squeezing my shoulder. When we arrived, I felt a few tears trickling down my face. "Lexi?" Harry asked softly. "Yeah?" I whispered. "Are you okay?" His fingers touched my cold skin. "No, I feel dizzy." My head was spinning. "And my head hurts, and so does my stomach." Harry felt my forehead, which seemed scalding to me. "You're not doing too well." He opened the door, and led me to my bedroom. "Stay, please." I held his hand. "Okay," he laid next to me. I stretched out, hoping the dizziness would pass. "Try to sleep," Harry kept repeating into my ear. We sat there for hours. "Lexi, I want you to know....I really care about you. And I never meant to hurt you." Harry mumbled. "You're my best friend. I know you care." I said, my voice barely audible. He leaned in, ever so slightly. "Kiss me," his voice was raspy as he touched my face. "No." He really loved me. And I loved him. "You know, I've had a crush on you since we were 8." Harry blushed. "Really?" I smiled, forgetting all about my headache. "Really." Harry and I sat there for a few more moments, until I heard footsteps.

"Baby! Where are you?" It was Zayn. "She's here with me." Harry called, sitting up. "Hey Harry," Zayn waved, staring at me. "She felt dizzy, so I took her here," Harry explained. Zayn nodded, sitting down on the bed. "Hey," he said softly. I took his hand. "How're you?" I knew he was hiding his sadness. "What's wrong?" I asked, looking up at him. "Nothing." He replied, kissing my forehead.

Something was wrong. And detective Lexi was getting to the bottom of it.

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