Ch. 15

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Victoria's p.o.v.

I was walking down the sidewalk, the cold winter breeze blowing in my face. "No, you don't understand!" Somebody yelled. It sounded like Lexi. I rounded the corner, and saw her and Harry, most likely arguing. "I didn't mean for this to happen!" Harry shouted. "Oh yeah! Sure you did!" Lexi said sarcastically. "I did it because I love you!" Harry spat, icicles dripping off his words. "Guys!" I elbowed between them. "Victoria....How much of that did you hear?" Harry asked, still frowning. "Enough. You guys are best friends. Please tell me what happened." I said, looking at Lexi. She took a deep breath, and it looked like she was fighting tears. "Harry broke up with Hanley." Harry opened his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand to silence him. "And...?" I asked. "He said 'because I love you, Lexi.' Personally, I don't think Zayn would like to hear about this!" Lexi cried, running a hand through her hair. "He doesn't have to!" Harry shouted. I took a step back, not wanting to be between them when it all went down. Harry sighed, seeming frustrated. "I just love you, okay?" He sighed, and I saw tears in his green eyes. "Harry Styles. You do not go and freaking dump your girlfriend, because of me. I'm not worth it. Hanley is so much prettier, and I'm not good enough for you. Zayn-" Lexi whispered, grabbing Harry's hand. "Stop! You're not worthless." That's when Harry and Lexi smirked at the same time. Then they burst into laughter. "Who am I kidding? I can't resist those green eyes!" Lexi sputtered out. "I have that charm." Harry smiled. "What the hell?"

Zayn's p.o.v.

"Lexi." I said, grabbing her wrist. "What are you two doing?" I asked slowly. "Uh-Harry and Hanley broke up...."Lexi mumbled. "Why?" I demanded, my eyes growing wide. "Because I'm in love with your girlfriend." Harry said, his voice firm. "We are going home right now." I said to Lexi, as she nodded, looking at her shoes. "Don't take it out on her! It was me!" Harry yelled, and I turned my back on him and Victoria. "Come on." I sighed. I heard Lexi's footsteps, all the way to the car. "I'm sorry!" She exclaimed. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say!" She sighed, flopping herself down on the curb. "I'm not mad at you. I just want to talk." I said, sitting next to her. "Don't speak to me. I'm not worth your time." She sighed. I pulled her in for a hug. Our hands were entwined, and I heard Lexi crying. "I'm not even mad, so I don't understand why you're crying!" I chuckled, feeling my heart break on the inside. "Hormones." She giggled, wiping away her tears, and resting her head on my shoulder. "I'd let you be with Harry. If that's what you want." I said, kissing her forehead. "No." She smiled. "You're my everything." I smirked when she said that. "Oh, is that so?" She lightly slapped my shoulder. "I'm not kidding." She said, blushing. "Cupcake." I smiled, kissing her cheek. I couldn't stay mad at her! It was impossible.

Suddenly, her expression changed. "Look!" She whispered. I turned around to see Jason and Harry, talking. We both instantly got up, and headed over. "Stay out of this, Malik." Jason spat. "Excuse me?" I snarled, and Lexi grabbed my arm. "You're the one who is beating up my girlfriend!" I exclaimed, waving my hands all over the place. "So?" He asked. Now Lexi got mad. She leaned into his face. "Listen, dick face. Don't bother Harry, or else-"

"Or else what? You'll hit me with your purse?" Jason teased.

Lexi's p.o.v.

Jason's teasing put me to an end. I jumped forward, knocking him over. "Dude! Get your girlfriend off me!" Jason shouted at Zayn. "I'm good. Don't make fun of her." Zayn shrugged. Harry pulled me off after I almost punched Jason's nose. "It's okay, let me handle this." Harry mumbled in my ear. "Okay..." I sighed.

"Now Harry, it's either you tell me what I want you to," Jason began, pulling out a gun. "Or I kill her." His gun was pointed at me, and I felt Zayn's muscles tighten. "Not happening." Harry shouted. "I'll pull the trigger, and Zayn. If you take the bullet, I'll kill her and Harry. Before your eyes." Jason said intensely. "Run." Zayn whispered in my ear. "Now?" I asked. "Yes now!" He shouted, pushing me, just as the bullet sped past both of our faces. "Run!" It was Harry. I felt tears stream down my face again, worrying about the boys. "Crap!" It was Harry. I turned around to see him crouched on the ground. Scarlet blood dripped from his side. "Harry!" I screamed, practically tripping over my own feet, running back to his side. Jason was pointing his gun at me again. "Run!" Zayn said. I looked down the street to see him in somebody's front lawn. I ran again, pain searing my heart as I left Harry and Zayn behind.

That's when it all went black.

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