Chapter 1️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

"So remember that guy from earlier...the one who answered every question?" Jimin asked me.

I replied with a 'Yup' as I recalled the boy's face.

I replied with a 'Yup' as I recalled the boy's face

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"That's Kim Namjoon...a literal genius as you already saw. Even has a 148 IQ... can you believe it?" Jimin stopped walking and looked back at me, disbelieve written all over his face.

Classes for that day were finally over and we were heading back to our homes. Fortunately, Jimin's home was close to where my family had moved in.

I shaked my head 'no' as I walked past Jimin, grabbing the boy's arm and dragging him with me.

Even though we met today, we were already close. We both were 18 years old, he was just a few months older.

"You should definitely meet Hobi!" a wide grin was on Jimin's face as he yet again stopped, making me halt too.

"Hobi...?" who is he talking about?

"My best friend! Jung Hoseok aka Sunshine." Jimin's eyes sparkled as he spoke about his best friend.

"Why sunshine?"

"He's like the mood maker you know? Always making everyone laugh and he has such a positive energy!" Jimin grinned.

Sounds like a good guy..."You think he'll like me?" I questioned, suddenly uncomfortable.

Noticing my expression Jimin tried cheering me,"Based on how he is and how you are... you guys will click real nice!"

Than a question popped up in my head, "Why didn't he come today?"

"He had a dance class..."

"He goes to dance classes?" I was quite impressed.

Jimin stopped walking, turned towards me, a big proud smile on his face, "Actually...he teaches dance. Dance class with him as the teacher." with that he continued walking.

By the time Jimin finished talking, my mouth formed a small 'o' ,which caused him to laugh out loud, and I followed behind him, "That's so cool..."

"That he is!" Jimin proudly declared, "Well... that's my home over there." he said, pointing towards a medium, white coloured house.

I waved him goodbye as Jimin jogged up to his house, waving one last time before he entered through the door.

I sighed, suddenly feeling empty and started walking towards my house, which was at a 10 minutes distance.

"Yah Tae!"

Startled, I looked back. My mood instantly felt better when I saw the owner of the voice, Jimin was waving at me through, what I assume was his bedroom window. I grinned, waving back at him.

With a far better mood I continued walking, taking my phone out to play some music. Three songs later I finally reached home, "Mom I'm back!" I shouted as I opened the front door, entering the living room that was filled with unpacked boxes.

"Oh you are back?!" Mom's head popped out from behind the blue coloured couch, "Wahhh you look happy... guess your first day went pretty good?"

"Yup! I even made a friend!" my famous box-smile gracing my lips.

"Tell me about him! Do you have his picture?" dear mother...ever so curious... I shaked my head at my Mom's childish antics, "Later Mom... I'm tired... What's for snack?" I asked while putting my backpack on the couch.

"Put it back in your room Tae and your Dad is making something to eat." Mom emphasized the word, we both knew cooking was not my Dad's field of work, making both of us laugh.

"Yah you two! Stop laughing!" Dad shouted from the kitchen.

"Of course honey!" Mom shouted back mockingly. parents are so immature... I climbed up the stairs to go to my room, a fond smile gracing my lips, while the two continued bickering.

Guess it won't be that bad living here...



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