Chapter 1️⃣3️⃣

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(JK's POV)

I woke up for the second time that day feeling quite sore. With some difficulty I moved my upper body in a half sitting half lying position. I was surrounded by white coloured walls.

"Oh Jungkook you are awake!"

The voice sounded pretty familiar but I couldn't pinpoint whom it belonged to. I heard footsteps hurriedly approaching me, "Why are you here so often, Son?" the voice said again.

Why am I here so often...? Where is here anyway? These walls...Oh! The school infirmary! Then that voice must be... "I don't really know Ms Kang... you mind telling me?" I playfully winked at the school nurse.

"Oh stop it you silly boy... I'm too old for this." she laughed. Ms Kang was in her 40s, unmarried and like a mother figure to me and like she said I'm here quite often.

I grinned at her, "Who bought me here...why am I here?" my expression changed as confusion clouded my senses.

"Ahh that young man over there bought you here." she said, pointing behind her.

Then I noticed him. He was sitting awkwardly beside the nurse's desk and when I looked at him he shrugged, effectively replying to my unasked question.

"So um what happened?" I asked slowly, turning my gaze back at Ms Kang.

"A random guy knocked you out in the hallway...and it turned out that you had a fever. So I bought you here." Taehyung replied nonchalantly in his usual deep voice, although I could detect a hint of concern too but I was probably imagining it.

"You are okay now... it's just you are too weak, you didn't eat again." Ms Kang said. Judging by her voice the last sentence definitely wasn't a question, "Okay... Taehyung? Right? Yeah. Sweetie give him these pills after he had eaten something in the canteen." she handed Taehyung some pills and she turned towards me with a stern look, "Don't you even dare think about skipping your meal again." she turned back to Taehyung again, "I'm trusting him with you,dear" Taehyung nodded his head in reply. Satisfied she continued, "You can leave now Jungkook and try not to come here as often."

I nodded my head vigorously, embarrassment was killing me. Without waiting for any more scolding I grabbed Taehyung's hand and dragged him out of school.

"We are going the wrong way. Canteen is in that direction." he tilted his head towards our right.

Oh God... you must be kidding me right now... "I don't have any money with me right now." I replied calmly, hoping he would buy it.

"Oh...I do! Let's go then." with that he dragged me, the task was way more easy as I was pretty weak.

"Go sit." he anything but ordered me when we reached our destination, pointing towards the table I usually sit on.

Sighing in defeat I walked towards the table.


(Tae's POV)

"Do you have anything left to eat?" I asked the lunch lady only to remember that they didn't cook that day as every class had presentations after which they could go home. "Then umm... please give me a burger and some uhhh orange juice?" I said after thinking. It definitely didn't sound healthy but whatever.

As she was getting the food she asked something which had me shook, "Is that boy your boyfriend?"

I stared at her for one minute straight, looking for any signs that might suggest that she was joking, I found nothing. Awkwardly, I cleared my throat and replied, " he's just a clas- um friend...yeah." why did that sound lame... I thought gulping down my saliva.

"He has friends? That's good to know." she nodded her head and handed me a tray with the stuffs I asked for.

I quickly gave her the $3 and went straight to Jungkook, placing the tray on the table with force. I was feeling rather irritated.

Sensing my discomfort he said, "You can leave now...just give me the pills. And I'll pay you back tomorrow."

"No it's okay. Ms Kang trusted me with you besides I also know that you skip meals." my reply was cold. Just like that stupid burger... I glared at it.

Slowly, too slowly in my opinion, Jungkook ate the burger, sipping the orange juice occasionally.

Why does he look so innocent while eating? He should eat more often... That reminds me...I bought a burger for him last week. Okay...gosh this is weird...why did I react so rudely? He was sick...he didn't do it on purpose. Why am I even having these thoughts? I shaked my head to clear all those confusing feelings.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked. He was nearly finished with his meal.

I pushed the pills towards him, "Take them." another cold reply.

Why am I- Did I made him sad? Gosh what am I doing? "You don't have to pay me back." with another unintentional cold attitude, I left the canteen.



Idk when I'll be able to update next... hopefully soon 😅

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