Chapter 1️⃣9️⃣

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(JK's POV)

Everything was burning, my face was on fire. I couldn't even breath properly but still needed to run, run far away from them, far away from this embarrassment.

I ran wherever my feet took me. The sound of my own footsteps were so loud that every other sound just didn't reach my ears. If it had I would have heard my name being desperately called. I finally stopped in front of the playground. The same one where I had spent my childhood playing. The only difference now is that I wasn't the one playing.

I took in a deep breath after sitting down on a bench, my eyes were stinging. I clenched my eyes tightly, an useless attempt of keeping the tears in. Before I knew hot tears were coming out of my eyes and I just buried my face in my hands. I didn't make any noise but the tears kept flowing, “Why is my Mom so clueless...?” I thought out loud. Then out of nowhere, a hand wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me closer to the hand's owner. Not even once I thought about who this person was, the only thing that mattered at that moment was the comfort they were providing me.


(Tae's POV)

Jungkook completely melted against my body, his body going limp as he sobbed uncontrollably. I stayed quiet, knowing very well that words wouldn't be enough to comfort him.

After about what felt like eternity but was actually 10 minutes Jungkook seemed to have calmed down a bit, although he didn't pull away from me.

Almost unconsciously my hands travelled up towards the back of his head and I found myself stroking his hair gently,“Taehyung?”

His voice kind of startled me as I had thought he would stay silent for some more time, “Yes?”

“Thanks...” it was said so softly that I almost didn't hear him.

“It's alright...” I sighed out.

Jungkook pulled away from me, making me furrow my brows as I stared at him questioningly, trying my best to ignore the sudden emptiness I felt.

“You wanna ride that roundabout?” he pointed towards a ride nearby, the grin on his face made me really uncomfortable but I still nodded my head and let him drag me towards the said ride.

We got inside the round ride and Jungkook took it upon himself to move the ride. As the ride started moving faster I realized it wasn't made for me and soon enough I was begging Jungkook to stop.

Maybe it was because he was having too much fun that he didn't stop right away or maybe he simply liked to see me suffer, but the thing ishe didn't stop. When he did stop I staggered away from that monstrous ride and sat down on a bench nearby. My head was spinning and I kinda felt like I would vomit anytime, I had to keep my mouth closed tightly.

Grinning, Jungkook crouched down in front of me, not a single trace of worry or guilt could be found on his face, “You okay?”

I made a gagging noise in reply, “Probably not!” his grin got even bigger at my discomfort.

Even though I was feeling very much so dizzy and I almost felt like punching the grin off of his face but when I looked at his face closely I had a shocking realization. His front teeth were a bit longer, almost like a bunny's and as I thought more about it I came to the conclusion that the all-black outfit didn't suit him one bit.

If he were wearing a bunny costume... it'd look perfect...

“What are you thinking about?”

And like a stupid person I told him exactly what I was thinking, “You have bunny teeth.”



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