Chapter 2️⃣9️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

“Mrs Jeon! Ah I-”

“Why is Jungkook sleeping? Wa- what happened to his hand?!” she dropped the bags she was holding and rushed towards her son.

“Ah... that's because of some broken glass...” guilt washed over me as Mrs Jeon examined her son's hand.

“Glass? Oh... I- I thought someone hit him...” her voice sounded broken

“Hit him? Wh-what are you talking about?”

“Just a few years back... he'd return home with bruises and when I used to ask him what had happened...he simply ignored me... His wounds...he never let me help him...You...d-did you do this?” she lifted up Jungkook's bandaged hand.

Completely shaken by this new news I slowly nodded my head, “Oh Taehyung sweetie...thank you so much...” her eyes teared up.

“It's okay Mrs Jeon... I- he's my friend...”

Mrs Jeon smiled sadly at that, “I'm glad he has you by his side...” then she noticed the ramen on top of his nightstand, “What's this?”

“Oh amm... Jungkook said he was hungry but then fell asleep.”

“Oh! Well it doesn't look like he's waking up... you can eat it.” she smiled warmly at me.

“Ah but what about you?”

“I have already eaten...I do most of the time. Jungkook just eats ramen at those nights.”

That explains all that ramen...

“You are staying the night, right?” her sudden question caught me off guard and I stared back at her blankly, “Oho... I had hoped that you'd stay the night here once...but this situation...”

“It's okay Mrs Jeon... I'll just inform Mom.”

“Okay sweetie... I'll just tidy up the couch for you...” she started walking out but I stopped her.

“I'll just sleep here Mrs case he needs anything.”

“Ahh but the floor will get pretty cold at night... I- oh! I think we have some extra beddings! Could you please lend me a hand?”

I nodded my head and followed her out of Jungkook's room, “It should be here somewhere...” she murmured to herself while looking through a small storage room that looked like it hadn't seen much light for a long time, “After I got divorced we shifted here...and well this isn't of any use to us anymore. Careful-” while she was passing me the bedding, the dusts caused me to sneeze, “Gosh I definitely didn't want you to stay over in such a horrible situation...”

“It really is okay Mrs Jeon.” I gave her a reassuring smile, “I'll get going then...good night.” I bowed at her slightly.

“Do call me if you need anything... goodnight Taehyung.”

I carried the bedding to Jungkook's room with quite some difficulty and once I entered his room I dumped the big, dusty mess on the floor.

“What are you doing?” Jungkook's sleepy voice said suddenly, startling me. I looked at the bed to see a half asleep, confused Jungkook staring back at me.

“I- I'm staying the night...”

“Oh... what's that?” he pointed to the bedding.

“My bed.” I grinned, something about the situation and Jungkook's expression was very comical.

“That- that thing hasn't been used for more than a decade now... how are you going to sleep on that?”

The grin left my face as I stared down at the bedding, it really was a mess, “Just sleep on the bed... I'll sleep on the couch.”

“No! You need to rest...and believe me that couch won't be comfortable at all.” I automatically protested.

Jungkook moved towards the side of the bed, making space, “Than sleep here... This bed is big enough for the both of us.”

Now that I think about it...the bed does look very comfortable... I was really tired wouldn't be half bad to sleep with Jungkook... My own thoughts confused me... what the hell am I thinking? Jungkook's my friend...just friend... I shaked my head to clear the thoughts, pushing down the sudden sense of sadness.

“What...?” I looked at Jungkook, he was blushing slightly, this caused me colour a bit too and after a haste ‘nothing’ I laid down on the bed beside him.

I was stiff as I tried not to move too much and I could feel that Jungkook was uncomfortable too, “Goodnight Taehyung.” he said as he awkwardly put half of the comforter on top of me.

Why is this affecting me so much...? Why do I feel so nervous? He's my friend... it's not like I love him or something...well...I do love him...but not like love love...then why...? “Goodnight Jungkook...”

Little did I know that the same thoughts were bothering Jungkook too.

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