Chapter 3️⃣3️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

Last night I had fallen asleep while hoping that Jungkook would text, he didn't and I had no courage to text him on my own.

That morning I woke up groaning and turned the alarm off. I noticed with interest that I had a new text, hurriedly I unlocked my phone but the text wasn't from Jungkook, as I had hoped. It was from Jimin.

Hey Tae... I'll be a bit late today...can you wait for me? 🥺

Of course Chim 😁 When should I leave?

Leave your house about 5 or 10 minutes later than usual? I'll be done by then 😅

Okay then...see ya!

Talking to Jimin helped my mood to get better and I dragged my body to get ready for school.


As Jimin had said I left my home 10 minutes latter than usual and headed straight for his house. There was too much stuff going inside my head, it kinda felt like as if my head could explode anytime.

“Hey Tae!” Jimin was waving at me with a smile so bright that I couldn't help but return it.

“Hey Chim!” I hugged the small boy tightly, “What got you late?”

“Ahh...M-mom told me to run an errand early in the morning...”

Why are you stuttering??? “Oh okay...! We are going to be late!” with that I ran, laughing merrily when Jimin shouted at me for running so fast.

Grinning like the fools that we were, we entered the classroom hand in hand, my mood was great again and I had almost forgotten about Jungkook, almost.

The first thing that caught my attention upon entering the classroom was the small crowd of people at the back of the room, sorrounding the table Jungkook sits on. My blood instantly ran cold and I unlinked Jimin's and my hand. The last time that Jungkook was sorrounded like this didn't end well.

About 10 students, 8 male and 2 female, were standing in front of Jungkook and the boy in question was just looking outside, ignoring the taunts that were surely being thrown at him.

My blood started boiling at that scene and I found myself walking towards Jungkook's table. I hadn't done anything last time but this time I definitely wasn't going to stay still, “What are you doing?” I asked the guy who sat on the table beside Jimin's, I had to try my best to stay calm.

Jungkook, who till now wasn't entertaining the bullies with any reaction, turned around to face the crowd in front of him, his gaze automatically landing on me.

“Oh we were just having a chat.” the guy replied. all bullies give the same excuse?  “What is it that you were talking about? Because from what I can see... Jungkook isn't interested one bit.”

“Ahh that's because he's a retard.” an ugly smile formed on the boy's face as he placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

“Oh sto-”

“Just leave Taehyung.” Jungkook's voice caught me off guard and I stared at him as if he had grown another head.

“What are you talking about?”

“Didn't you hear? This little piece of shit doesn't want your attention.” the guy snickered.

I took a deep breath and looked around the class, Namjoon was nowhere to be found, nor was Hoseok and Jimin was still standing at the doorway, I turned my attention back to the one in front of me, “The only attention he doesn't want is from you.”

“I told you to leave Taehyung...”

And I had enough, “Why should I leave? Why don't you protest? Why do you let them do this to you? Why Jungkook? Why?!” I shouted the questions that had been bothering me since the first time I saw him getting bullied. I was so angry that I didn't notice the other students leaving the place and going back to their own seats.

The expression on Jungkook's face was unreadable, “I have stopped caring long ago.”

“Well I can't just stop caring!”

“You should though!”

“Why should I huh?”

“You are wasting your time on me.”

Right then an image of a black haired boy wearing a yellow bunny onesie, peacefully sleeping with a content and happy smile on his face, floated in front of my eyes. The memory of the lips that had touched mine, even if accidentally, made my skin tingle, “Oh believe me. I'm neither wasting my time nor my feelings when it comes to you.”

Jungkook stared at me with confused eyes and was about to speak when somebody else did, “What's going on over there?”

Namjoon had finally arrived, along with Hoseok, and was standing near the doorway, I noticed that Jimin had moved from that place and was sitting on Namjoon's table, “Taehyung just confessed his feelings to Jungkook.”

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now