Chapter 9️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

“Is this it?” Jungkook asked me from the floor, three books laid open in front of him, some of them were highlighted and others just marked.

He lifted the book up so that I could see it, I was sitting on the bed, and pointed out the passage. My eyes quickly skimmed through the words and my brain processed whether the information was useful or not for our Korean Literature project, “It may work... you'll just have to find out the right way to write it.” I replied in know-it-all kind of voice as I went back to what I was writing. (A/N Y'ALL STOP MAKING TAE DUMB IN YOUR FFS! THAT'S RUDE😡 I CAN'T BELIEVE THE NUMBER OF FFS WHERE TAE IS DUMB...LIKE WTF?!?! BAE IS NOT DUMD! A big  Thanks to those who don't do this bullshit 😍)

“You are really good at this stuff...” Jungkook probably murmured to himself but sadly for him, I heard it too.

“Yeah...I just suck at maths. The other subjects are... easy.” I goaded before I could stop myself.

Jungkook laughed, “Maths pretty easy... you just have to know th-”

Before he could finish talking, a knock was heard and some seconds later Mom entered my room. The moment she stepped inside the room, the delicious smell of pancakes filled the air, reminding me that I was starving, “Here you go boys!” Mom carefully placed both the plates on my nightstand and when she was done, she surveyed the numbers of looks that were covering both the bed and floor.

“Thank you Mrs Kim.” Jungkook politely said.

“It's okay Kookie!” Mom grinned but both Jungkook and I froze at the nickname.


I was interrupted for the second time that day as Mom kept talking, “I hope you don't mind me calling you Kookie... ‘Jungkook’ is a bit too long.”

For some weird reason I snapped, “He won't be here that often Mom.” my voice was probably cold as my Mom looked at me with a disapproving stare and Jungkook hung his head low and continued working.

“Oh well...umm it was nice meeting you Jungkook!” Mom left to avoid the sudden tense atmosphere.

“She's really nice.” Jungkook commented in a low voice.

“That she is. Eat the pancakes before they get cold.”

Jungkook responded by taking one of the plates and eating them, but other than that he stayed quiet for the next one hour. I wouldn't have had it any other way.


“We have to submit it on 31th July right?” I asked Jungkook as I walked him towards our front door, we had successfully finished most of the work, just needed to write it down freshly and give it some finishing touches.

“Yeah...we still got three days left. It was pretty easy, right?” Jungkook replied as we both stopped outside my house.

“By the way... didn't you start at least doing it before I came? Like Jimin told me that Mr Choi handed the projects one month ago.” this question had been bothering me for some time, I was relieved to finally ask it.

“Uhh...yeah well. I'm that type of person who does everything at the last moment...” Jungkook awkwardly laughed it off.

“Ahh jungkook-ah, you are leaving already?” Mom said from inside the living room.

It's already 9p.m.... how long do you want him to stay?

“Oh dehh Mrs Kim... I'll visit later again.” again that politeness radiated from him.

I snorted, we all knew he was lying.

“Well...I will get going then...bye Taehyung. Bye Mrs Kim.” doing another 90° bow he left.

“That was rude!” Mom hit the back of my head as soon as Jungkook was out of sight.

“I wasn't...” I replied while rubbing my head.

“Make sure you apologize to him tomorrow at school. Get inside now I'm done making dinner... your Dad should be back soon.” Mom said, mumbling the last part and went inside.

I groaned loudly as I followed her in after closing the door, successfully warding off the sound of rain that had started pouring outside...As if I'm going to...

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