Chapter 2️⃣5️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

I am not stalking them ...I'm just worried about Jungkook... That was what I told myself when I stopped following the others and came back to the diner. Definitely not stalking... I hid behind a wall when I saw Yoongi hyung and Jungkook, well only Yoongi hyung's back since he wasn't facing me but Jungkook...he had this questioning look on his face.

“What about him?” Jungkook sounded nervous as he replied to some question that I didn't know.

“Did you really sleep with him?” this question effectively shocked the both of us. Whom did Jungkook sleep with?! What? I concentrated more, trying to listen to what they were talking about.

“No hyung! We didn't...I told you guys...we didn't...” Jungkook looked horrified.

“That's my question! Why didn't you sleep with him? You guys have gotten so much closer. He's perfect for you.”

The mood inside the diner instantly changed after Yoongi hyung's declaration but I was very much confused by my own thoughts...who are they talking about? Why is he perfect for Jungkook? Why do they have to sleep together?!

“Hyung you- you know what I am like... I can't...”

“Why don't you start opening up to others then?”

“It's...not like I don't want to share my feelings with anyone... it's just...” Jungkook took in a deep breath and continued, “I have yet to find someone who'll be able to comfort me when I'm at my weakest...”

Something in me snapped at that moment, hearing those words coming from Jungkook, how sad he sounded while saying that, how hurt he must be... Something snapped inside me.

“Hey Tae...what are you doing?” someone whispered from beside me, startling me.

“Ahh Ji-Jimin... I...I was...” I trailed off as my brain failed to come up with an excuse.

“Oh well let's get Yoongi hyung and Jungkook...Jin hyung is losing his patience...”

I nodded my head and Jimin opened the door, “Hyung come on.”

“Oh Pinky...yeah we are coming.” hyung left with a pouting Jimin, who was whining about how hyung kept calling him ‘Pinky’, leaving me alone with Jungkook.

The atmosphere was dense, I watched as Jungkook smiled at me, “Let's go!” with that he went ahead of me.



“Do we really have to do this hyung?” Jungkook pleaded to the oldest two, who were literally marching towards the convenience store Jungkook worked in.

“Yes.” both reply simultaneously with determination.

Jungkook slowed down his pace and now the five of us were walking together, “Do not try to stop looks like they are out for blood...” Namjoon warned Jungkook who nodded his head hopelessly.

“Why are they so angry though?” I asked pointing at the two hyungs in front.

Jungkook sighed when he noticed all the curious stares, basically no one knew what had happened to Jungkook in that place, “Manager hyung is just... always angry at me?” all of us groaned in irritation when he ended the sentence with a question.

“Yah if you don't even know why he behaves like than why do you let him be a jerk to you?” Hoseok questioned.

Jungkook didn't reply, he just smiled sheepishly, effectively dodging the question.



“Jungkook hyung! It's not your shift now...” some guy said when all of us entered the store.

“Yeonjun... where's the manager?” Jungkook hesitantly asked.


“We don't have a lot of time kid. Tell us quickly.” Yoongi hyung drawled.

“Yah what is going on here? Who are you g- ahh Jungkook...did you bring your lackeys?” a middle aged man came out of the staff room.

“Are you the manager?” Jin hyung asked, they had never seen the guy before and know of him only because of Jungkook.

“Yeah I'm. Who are you punks though?” he aggressively replied.

“Is'nt he a bit too old to be called ‘hyung’, Jungkook? Shouldn't you call him ‘ajussi’?” Yoongi hyung's sarcastic comment angered the manager.

“Yah imma! Watch your mouth!”

“Should't you also watch your fist?” Jin hyung backfired.

Things were heating up pretty quickly and the rest of us decided to stay behind, leaving it to Jin and Yoongi hyung, I watched with a blank expression as Jungkook protectively hid that Yeonjun kid behind him.

“Yah Jungkook! Why are you standing there?! You are the victim here!” Jin hyung's angry voice startled all of us and Jungkook walked towards them like a robot.

Just when Jungkook stood in front of the manager a female voice from somewhere behind us spoke up and along with that a clicking sound was heard.

“So the rumours were true.”

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now