Chapter 2️⃣4️⃣

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(JK's POV)

Bright sunlight woke me up from my peaceful slumber and I sat up on the bed yawing and stretching, “I slept well...hmm...” the bed was so comfy...“Taehyung is too...” as soon as I said that my mouth went wide. Did he hear that?! I looked around frantically for him, he was still sleeping. I chuckled softly when I saw him.

I crouched down beside him,“Don't you look cute?” I said as my hand went towards his cheek to pinch them

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I crouched down beside him,“Don't you look cute?” I said as my hand went towards his cheek to pinch them.

“What are you doing?”

Startled, I crawled away from Taehyung, “Mrs Kim...I- ”

“Your Mom said she'll be leaving can't go though.”


“Leave after you've eaten breakfast.” she gave me a warm smile, “Oh! And you can pinch Tae's cheek!” with another cheesy smile she was gone leaving me feeling embarrassed.

“What did she say?” Taehyung's groggy voice startled me again and I found myself leaning against the bed frame completely.

“What's up with you?” his morning voice sounded so sexy and raspy and I was blushing slightly.

I stood up abruptly, “I'll use the bathroom first.” I quickly left his room, locking myself inside the bathroom. “What just-...”

“Jungkook hurry! Mom's screaming her head off downstairs!”

“Ohh dehh!”


“It was really tasty Mrs Kim.”

“Aigoo you are so polite Jungkook-ah...if only he had some manners...” Mrs Kim threw an irritated glance at Taehyung who was still eating and was using his mobile, completely oblivious about the looks his Mom was giving him.

“Yah Jungkook! Let's go...turns out the others will be there too. Jimin just texted me. Bye Mom!” Taehyung got up from the chair and grabbed my hand.

We kept walking in silence till we reached the diner, about 30 minutes later, and by that time my legs were killing me. Why didn't we just take a bus or something... I frowned as I stared at the back of Taehyung's head.

Suddenly he turned his head around, scaring me, “Why do you think they called all of us to gather together?”

“How would I know... Maybe something important? Yah you are taking the wrong road!” I grabbed his hand tightly and started walking towards right, it was a well known shortcut that I found when I was younger.

“But it i-”

“Shh it's a short cut!” I was grinning as I replied, my childhood memories sending a spark of happiness throughout my body.

After five minutes of walking we could finally see the small, cozy diner in front of us, “See? I told you it's a shortcut!”

Taehyung only grunted in reply as he let me drag him towards our destination, “Hyung we are here!” I said as soon as I opened the door.

“You are lat- oh you two came together?” Jin hyung eyed the both of us.

“Yeah. We slept together last night.”

Silence followed Taehyung's statement and everyone was looking at us suspiciously, “It's not what you are thinking!” I hurriedly tried to clarify, pushing aside the urge to hit Taehyung.

“Then why are you blushing?” Jimin cheekily asked.


Blood rushed to my face as I tried to form words but thankfully Yoongi hyung saved me, “Let them be guys.” his tone immediately became serious as he continued speaking, “We need to get back at that manager of yours...” he said to me.

“But hyun-”

I was about to protest but Jin hyung beat me to it,“Yoongi is right Jungkook... he's been bothering you for way too long. Your classmates didn't know. But him? I'm sure he knows most of it...I agree with Yoongi.” and that sealed everything.

“Okay then...hyung you leave with everyone...not you Jungkook. I need to talk to you.” Yoongi hyung's expression made me anxious as I stayed behind. Taehyung wasn't leaving so I motioned him to go, he gave me a hesitant nod but left.

Once he was sure that everyone has left Yoongi hyung turned towards me, “So... about Taehyung...”

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now