Chapter 1️⃣5️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

“Taehyung? Yahh?”

I pulled the comforter closer, a vain attempt of trying to block out Mom's voice.


“I'M UP!” reluctantly I removed the comforter, instantly missing its warmth, “What time is it?” I asked groggily while rubbing my eyes.

“9:30 p.m...get up now your Dad's already here.” she left after that.

When did I fell asleep...? Then I remembered texting Jungkook. With astonishingly inhumane speed I grabbed my phone, my eyes eagerly checking the screen for any new texts. I had none.

A sigh escaped from my mouth at the sad realization and I went downstairs for dinner, otherwise Mom would have had my head.


(JK's POV)

“Mom...I don't have shift today...”

“ did you make dinner?” she looked towards the kitchen and then back at me.

“No... I'll just start making now...” I started walking towards the kitchen, mentally thinking about what to make for dinner.

“That's start I'll help you after getting fresh.” with that she went into her room.

I stood there, not really being able to believe what she said. She hadn't helped me out for a long time. I found myself smiling, even this little much coming from her meant a lot to me.

I opened the fridge, getting everything that I needed out of it, half way through it Mom came out, dressed in normal,casual clothes, “So what are we making today?”

“Bibimbap and Japchae!”

After about 30 minutes, we had spilt the work, we were done making dinner.

“This smells so good!” Mom said as I was setting the food on the table, her eyes were sparkling as she spoke.

We ate our meal in silence after that until Mom spoke again, “Let's eat out tomorrow. We can go after I return from work.”

I looked up at her, confused, causing her to sigh as she put her chopsticks down, “It's your birthday tomorrow...”

A little ‘ahh’ sound came out of my mouth. How could I forget about my own birthday? “Sure Mom... I'd love that.”

She gave me a sad smile, “I never noticed how fast you were growing up...18...that's...” her eyes started tearing up.

I had to Mom...I had no choice... At that moment I wanted to comfort her, tell her that it was okay but I couldn't. Instead I continued eating my dinner, the food had lost it's taste.

We finished eating in silence after the small one sided topic, quietly washing the dishes when we were done eating. Mom retreated back to her room after saying goodnight and maybe, I don't know if I saw right but it kinda looked like she wanted to hug me.

After turning the lights off I went back to my room, letting the warmth of my bed engulf my tired body. I searched around for my phone, unlocking it when I found it. Taehyung's chat was still open, I had yet to reply. I stared at the screen and the words that I typed in would later caught me off guard in the morning.


(Tae's POV)

“Gosh I ate too much...” I was rubbing my tummy when I entered my room, instantly noticing the white notification light coming from my phone, “Finally decided to reply....did he?”

Quite lazily I unlocked my phone and opened Jungkook's chat. His reply was definitely not something I had expected.

I'm turning 18 tomorrow...

You going to give me a treat?

God only knows why I asked that,maybe it was to lighten the mood or maybe the way he wrote the sentence made me uncomfortable. I still don't know. His reply came almost immediately.

My Mom is taking me out for dinner... wanna join us? ☺️

Dinner? Sounds good!
How should I dress?
Casual or 🧐 ?

Just wear something lol 🤣

Where we going though?🤔

A diner around my place...I know the staffs who work there. They are super nice 😇

I ain't giving you any present btw 😒

You don't have to Taehyung 😅

Well...see you tomorrow at school ig?

Good night then?

Yeah... goodnight 😴

I set my phone aside, remembering to set the alarm and laid there on my bed for some time. I didn't even ask for Mom's permission and straight out said yes... The urge to facepalm myself was really hard to resist but it became easier as sleep overcame me.




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