Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣

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(Third person POV)

Mr Kim entered his home at around 9:45 o'clock, later than usual. The moment he stepped inside, he could hear the sounds of kitchenware clinking into each other, “She's still not done making dinner?” he said to himself. Mrs Kim, his wife, was usually done making dinner by now. It seemed that both of them were running late.

He placed a shopping bag on top of the coffee table and slowly and steadily  creeped up behind his wife's small figure and wrapped his arms around her slim waist, shocking her in the process, “You are late.” she replied as she continued stirring the soup.

Mr Kim sighed in disappointment, Of course she won't forget about that... He thought to himself before carefully replying, “You are late too...” he pointed at the soup she was making.

Mrs Kim let out a deep breath as turned to face her husband, “Tae's been in a bad mood...”

Worried about his beloved son, he asked, “Why? What's wrong with him?”

“Jungkook...I mean Tae's project partner isn't answering his phone so Tae has to do all the work by himself...”

“Oh well... that... maybe he has some reason because of which he can't reply?”

Mrs Kim nodded her head at her husband's word, “I think so too... but Tae is completely blinded by rage.”

“Aren't you going to call him down for dinner?”

“I did...he said he doesn't have time.”

That night the couple ate dinner without their son who has locked himself up in his room. And the contents of the shopping bag that Mr Kim had bought laid there completely forgotten. Eventually the strawberry popsicles, Taehyung's favourite, melted.


(Tae's POV)

“Taehyung? Sweetie? Wake up Taehyung.”

Am I dreaming or that Mom speaking? Why isn't she shouting like usual...

My sleepy brain thought as I snuggled closer to my comforter only to grope empty air. My eyes flew open as I examined my surroundings, my eyes stopping on the pile of books and papers in front of me.

Huh? I fell asleep on the floor...? I thought as I stared at them dumbly. Project...? I desperately searched the floor for the project.

“Where is it?!” I mentally screamed, my movements becoming more fanatic as I kept looking for it.


My Mom's voice startled me and I jumped back in surprise, hitting my head on the corner of my bed. A pained moan escaped from my mouth but there on the bed was the completed project.

“AHHH!!” I quickly grabbed the project.

“Tae sweetie... you okay?”

“Yeah Mom! I'll be down in 15 minutes.” I checked the time and replied.


“So how did your project work go?” Jimin asked as we were walking towards school.

I sighed remembering what sort of tornado I had to go through to get the work done all by myself, “I had to do the last bit alone...” I murmured.

“But why? Didn't he help? Oh gosh I'm so happy that I got partnered with Hobi...”

As if cue Hoseok approached us from the opposite direction, “Were you guys talking about me?” he said, raising one brow, once he reached us.

Giggling both Jimin and I shaked our heads and the three of us continued towards school, happily chatting along the way.


(JK's POV)

My whole body was aching the next morning. Last night I had come home only to find it empty, Mom was nowhere to be seen, and had went straight to bed.

I rubbed my red-ish eyes, trying to get the sleepiness out of them. I need to sleep more... That was my first instinct but I had school that day and I was already absent for two days, thankfully I had somehow managed to inform Mr Choi about my situation.

With horror I realized another thing, it was Wednesday, 31st July, we had to submit the project that day. All the sleep left my eyes as my brain gained consciousness. I looked around for my phone, it was on the floor beside my bed, and hurriedly unlocked it. A ton of missed calls greeted me, only adding to my horror.

I mentally cursed myself when I saw that all the missed calls were from Taehyung. I found myself sliding along my bed, I was fucked. So so fucked. He'll definitely kill me.

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