Chapter 1️⃣4️⃣

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(JK's POV)

Is he angry at me? What is he- I finished my meal with all these thoughts on my head, sighing every so often as my own thoughts were confusing me greatly.

After taking a deep breath to calm myself I walked up to the lunch lady, “Where should I put this?” meaning the empty tray in my hand.

“Just place it there.” she replied but her gaze lingered on me for a little too long, “You got a really good friend there.” she commented.

Friend? Me? What? ,“Excuse me?” I asked, my voice coming out as confused as I felt.

“That handsome fellow who bought you here.”

Ahh Taehyung... “Ma'am you ar-”

“He bought a burger last week too...was it still warm?” she interrupted me.

“What burger?” shit...I didn't mean to say that out loud.

“He bought a burger...the same one you ate today. It wasn't for you?” when I shaked my head in reply she continued, “Aahhh...well I thought he bought it for you. Seeing as how he was staring at you. You didn't eat lunch that day.”

I never eat lunch at school... I kept my thoughts to myself and left after bowing at her slightly.

The bitter taste of the pills was suddenly replaced with something sweet. And after a long time I went home with a smile on my face.


(Tae's POV)

As soon as I reached home I went straight to my bed, falling on top of it with a loud thud. I was so embarrassed, my face was kind of heating up.

I buried my face into my pillow, letting out a scream of frustration which thankfully got muffled by my pillow.

Right then my phone made a weird noise, followed by another one. I groaned after hearing the notification sound that I had chosen for when I get a new text, “I really need to change it...” I murmured under my breath as I unlocked my phone.

You have two new messages from JK😎.

Why is he texting me... I wondered as I clicked on the notification.

Thanks for the food, I'll pay you back tomorrow. And...
Thanks for saying that I'm your friend ☺️

The second message had me so shook that I even forgot to mock him because of the first one. I stared at the screen for some time till it went to sleep mode. Biting my lips, I tapped the screen twice, waking it up, and opened my keyboard to reply. My thumbs hovered on top of it as I thought through about what to reply with.
In the end I decided to play it cool.

As soon as I was done typing the words I placed my phone on top of the night stand and pulled the comforter over me, covering myself head to toe.


(JK's POV)

I stared down at my phone, waiting a little bit too eagerly for Taehyung's reply. After about five minutes my phone beeped and I unlocked it without wasting any time.

“He replied!” I squealed like a little girl as I opened the chat.

His reply literally made him laugh and I found myself reading the text aloud in Taehyung's voice.

Whatever. You don't have to pay me back.

I giggled like a five year old who had gotten their Christmas present early. Mimicking Taehyung's low pitched voice in my high pitched one sounded funny beyond imagination.

I opened my keyboard, ready to reply when the front door opened. The smile instantly fell from my face and I quietly put my phone away, getting up from the couch that was in the barely put together living room.

“What are doing at home? Don't you have work today?” a female's voice was heard as she entered what was ‘home’ for the both of us.


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