Chapter 1️⃣2️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

Mr Choi entered the classroom, silencing all the students by doing so. He had a pleasant smile on his face, which wasn't a good news for us, “Everyone has finished their projects I believe?”

A round of groans could be heard from all the students, making Mr Choi smile even more, then he started lecturing about something that went over my head. Quite frankly I zoned out and started doodling. I was definitely not interested in anything that was going on inside the classroom, my mind was on a certain someone. Someone who had a lot to explain.

Halfway through his lecture, the classroom door opened. I was so into doodling that I didn't even notice who had entered, that is until the person spoke up, “May I come in,Sir?”

My head jerked up at the familiar sickening politeness and there he was, standing near the door looking like as if someone had knocked the living daylight out of him. That ain't going to help you though... I thought rather darkly as the corner of my mouth raised to form a half smirk sort of smile.

“Yes yes Jungkook. Come in..
Are you alright now?” Mr Choi asked with a very unfamiliar concern in his face.

That caught my attention and I looked closely at Jungkook's face. He looked like as if he didn't get any proper sleep.

“Yes sir...” he replied in a low voice as he hurriedly walked towards his seat, glancing at me on his way.

Our eyes locked for a few seconds and I tried my best to keep my face expressionless.

Then Mr Choi continued talking, telling us to form a line like civilized people. As everyone stood in the line beside their partner, I found myself reluctantly walking towards mine, “I can explain...” that was the first thing he said.

Oh you better... I ignored him and  avoided eye contact with him for the rest of the time and I knew I was making Jungkook feel awkward.

“Okay Taehyung and Jungkook! You guys are up next.”

Both of us walked up to the front of the classroom, standing on the stage type of platform. “So our project was about...” and taking turns Jungkook and I explained our project to Mr Choi, occasionally gaining approving nods from him.

“Good work guys... You guys can leave now.”

Placing our project on his desk we left. Classes for that day were off because of the presentation, so basically we were free to go home. On my way out I whispered a quick ‘good luck’ to Jimin and Hoseok, who were standing in the line behind us.

Once outside the classroom I turned towards Jungkook,“Explain.”

“I'm sorry okay I-”

“You should be.” I interrupted him.

He sighed, “I-”

The next few moments went super fast, almost in a blur, some random guy was running down the hall towards us as if a dog were chasing him. His shouts of warning fell to deaf ears as both Jungkook and I had our full attention on each other. So the guy crashed into Jungkook, knocking the latter out like a ragged doll.

I stood there for some time, still like a statue. The guy who had crashed into Jungkook got up and ran away again, shouting a very much insincere ‘sorry’. My mouth went wide as I watched the guy run, immediately my senses kicked in and I screamed out, “YAH YOU IDIOT! GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!”

But I was too late, he had already left. Clenching my fists my turned towards Jungkook, who was still on the floor. Crouching down beside him I shook him slightly, boy did not answer. Choosing to slap his cheeks lightly I raised my hand towards his face. His face was warm, too warm for it to be considered normal. I checked his forehead and compared it with mine.
Yup he has a fever.... I thought as I stared at his face helplessly.



I was sick guys... and my finals are coming up....and my life is a mess rn.... Sorry for the late update 😞😞😞

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