Chapter 2️⃣6️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

This voice sounds really familiar... I turned around and there she was. That girl who bullied Jungkook some days ago, a vibrant pink coloured phone in her hand. She smiled wickedly at me.

Did she-... “Give me your phone right now!” anger was the only thing present in my voice.

“A schoolboy bothering an innocent citizen...that sounds rather interesting, doesn't it?” she smiled slyly.

Our conversation had, by then, gained the others' attention and everyone was looking at the phone in her hand with horror.

“Did she take a picture?” Jimin said.

“But... it's not the case.” Namjoon protested.

“Yah who is this girl?” Jin hyung questioned.

“Help me please! Call the police! These thugs are threatening me.”


“Stop Yoongi! You are making it worse...” Jin hyung whispered, as the situation sunk in.

“Police? Nope!” she smirked, “I'll just take revenge.” with that she walked out of the store.

“Yahh come back!” my words fell to deaf ears as she continued walking away.

“Do you think she's just joking?” Jimin hopefully asked and all of us shaked our heads in disappointment.

One thing I knew for sure though... Jungkook's life in school was going to be way harder.

And for the rest of the day Jungkook didn't talk to me or anyone else for that matter.


The next day as I walked towards school, I didn't even notice Jimin who had been waiting for me in front of his house,“Hey Tae?!”

I stopped in my tracks, looking behind to see the pink headed boy approaching me,“Oh hey...”

” okay? You sound completely out of it...”

No I'm not okay.

That's what I wanted to tell him. Last night I had texted and called Jungkook numerous times, but he hadn't replied ones. I forced myself to smile, “Yeah...why wouldn't I be?!”

My unusually low quality acting probably had shocked Jimin, but he didn't question me further,“Did you talk to Jungkook?”

I shaked my head in reply, “Ahh that explains your behaviour. Don't worr-”

I didn't know what happened to me at that moment but I snapped at Jimin, “Why would I worry about him?!” irritation etched my voice as I picked up my pace and walked away ahead. Purposefully ignoring Jimin's calls.

Once inside the classroom I harshly dropped my bag on the desk. Jungkook wasn't there yet and so wasn't Hoseok, Namjoon was sitting on his desk but I guess my mood stopped him from talking to me.

I sat down on my chair, growing relatively impatient as I waited for Jungkook to show up.

“Ohh look who it is...”

That sickening female voice worsen my mood, “Chaesoo...” I replied tiredly. (A/N yes Chaesoo bcz it was the first name that popped up inside my head. No. It has nothing to do Jisoo And Rosé)

She seemed a bit shocked at the fact that I knew her name, “Y-you know my name?” she blushed slightly. God what is happening...

Well you bullied Jungkook...of course I have to know your name.”

The smile instantly fell from her face, “Guess I'll just post the picture online...” with that she walked over to her desk. Searching through her bag she fetched out some posters from it.

Even from my seat in the back, I could see the contents of the posters clearly, “Hey wait! You can't do this. Let's just talk about it...” I pleaded her.

“Too late. I have these posters all over school...and these?” she lifted up the remaining posters up, “These are for my dear classmates.” she grinned widely as she passed the posters to everyone around her.

“It's just a misunderstanding- Jungkook he di-”

“What's going on here?”

I turned around at that voice, Jungkook was standing near the door, watching all his classmates glare at him.

I quickly approached him, I needed to get him out of there. But someone threw the poster before Jungkook. My eyes went wide as Jungkook picked up the paper, his eyes quickly scanning through it.

Where's Mr Choi when you need him? I thought frustrated... Namjoon... I faced the the class president, begging him with my eyes to do something.

“Chaesoo don't you know that it's against the class rules to distribute such nonstudy related stuff in class?” Namjoon snatched away some posters from students around him.

“Oh shut up. Don't try to save your stupid little friend.” Chaesoo spatted back angrily.

I turned back to Jungkook to tell him that it was going to be alright but he wasn't there.

Without wasting any time I left to find him, making sure to step on the poster that Jungkook had left behind.

There's a gang member in our class?

Jeon Jungkook who appears to be harmless all the time was actually wearing a mask. Behind his mask he goes around tormenting innocent citizens in his free time. The rumours about him are actually true.

This was followed by a clear picture of Jungkook standing in front of the manager.

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now