Chapter 6️⃣

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(Tae's POV)


All the students around us were shocked and the boy in question froze on his spot.

Suddenly all the stares made me feel like as if I had committed a serious crime, everyone else were shocked but Jungkook...he was completely shook. At that moment Jungkook ran, he ran out of the lobby we were in, without thinking I ran after him.

Five minutes into running after him, I was completely out of breath but Jungkook was still running with the same energy as before. It looked like he could have run some more but fortunately for me, he stopped beside a playground. I reached him, breathing heavily as if I had run a marathon...It wasn't any less than a marathon though... I thought, panting.


The sudden question caught me off guard and I just stared at Jungkook's back dumbfundedly. Jungkook turned to face me. His eyes were red, I noticed, shocked.

“I asked why?” Jungkook raised his voice a little.

“What why?” I found myself replying dumbly.

“Why did you run after me?”

“Why did you run?” I backfired.

Jungkook breathed out through his mouth, his ears were turning red, “Listen...”

I controlled the urge to reply with a sarcastic ‘that is exactly what I have been trying to do, but you ran.’

“Don't bother me okay? It's really irritating.”

When did I bother you? What? I had so many questions, questions I knew he wouldn't answer.

“We have a project that we have to do together.” I made such to emphasize the last word, “Think I can't leave you alone.”

Jungkook muttered something under his breath that suspiciously sounded like ‘completely forgot about that.’ I stood there, watching him have an internal battle. Should bring some popcorn?... I thought dryly.

“Okay... I'll text you later.” he finally replied and started walking away.

“Yah wait!” wrong decision, that triggered him to run again. I sighed, I definitely didn't have any energy left in my body to follow him. Instead I sat down on a nearby bench, fumbling inside my bag I took out the burger I had bought.

A lone piece of paper was attached to the burger wrapper. I tore it off rather irritatedly, throwing it away in the dustbin that was beside the bench. I stared at the burger longingly for some and started unwrapping it when my stomach made a dying whale noise. It took me a record time of three minutes to finish the burger and once I was done I took my phone out and called Jimin. They should be out of the detention room by now... While following Jungkook I had ended up somewhere unfamiliar.

Hey? Whee are you?

I don't know actually... that's why I'm calling...

Wha- what do you mean you don't know? Where are you?

I ended up giving them a poor description of the place I was in but that seemed to be enough for Hoseok.

Okay okay...I know that place. Wait for a bit... we'll be there.

With that I hung up and waited, watching as kids started filling the playground, playing happily with each other.

It took them about 10 minutes or so to find me and when they did Hoseok asked me a question that I knew both of them were curious to know, “How did you end up here?”

I replied with a tired ‘later’ and allowed them to drag me to the place where the surprise was going to take place.

Inside the dustbin, the crumpled piece of paper read -


I noticed that you didn't eat lunch today either...are you okay? isn't much but please do enjoy this burger. I look forward to work with you.


Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now