Chapter 2️⃣3️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

“Go in... I'll bring some extra mattress...” thanks to Mom, Jungkook and his Mom will be staying the night.  It didn't look like the rain would stop anytime. Mom had prepared the guest room for Mrs Jeon and everyone had agreed that it'd be better if Jungkook stayed in my room. I didn't agree one bit, Jungkook was still feeling uneasy. And I was regretting not cleaning my room. I sighed as I got the mattress from the storage room. Cautiously, I entered my room, Jungkook was still standing at the same place.

This is getting irritating now... “Yah Jungkook! You need to chill down!” I didn't mention what he needed to chill about but judging from his expression he probably got it. I really didn't understand why he was being so difficult about it... he was human. He was supposed to have flaws...hell it isn't even his fault...

“Right... Got any clothes I can change into?”

Gosh it's good to see him smile like this... clothes huh? And a wicked plan formed in my head I found myself smirking, “Yup! Wait.”

I walked towards my wardrobe taking a shopping bag out of it, I threw it at Jungkook, “I got nothing else...wear this or sleep naked.” I had to turn around to hide my smile when Jungkook took the contents of the bag out.

“The hell is this?!”

And I just couldn't control it, I laughed so hard that tears formed in my eyes, “How do you expect me to wear this? You got nothing else?” Jungkook's irritated voice made me laugh even more, I shaked my head.

“I really don't have anything else.”

Jungkook gave me a sort of ‘are you kidding me’ look but in the end he believed my lie, “Well...get out of here then...”

“What? Why?” in reply he lifted up the shopping bag, “Oh! Okay.” once outside I found myself snickering. Goshh he's going to look perfect...

“I'm done...” wiping the grin off my face I entered my room only to burst out in laughter again, “Shut up...” his sulky mood made the situation even more funny.

He looks perfect in this bunny onesie...

“I still can't believe this is the only thing you have

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I still can't believe this is the only thing you have....” he sulked some more, taking the mattress from me.

“Then don't. What are you taking this for? Sleep on the bed idiot.” I snatched the mattress from him and placed it on the floor, taking a pillow from my bed and throwing it on top of it.

“But... it's your bed...”

“And you are my guest. Now stop arguing.”

Quite reluctantly he sat down on the bed, watching me as I laid down on the mattress after turning the lights off. The room was completely dark. He sighed and finally laid down on the bed making me smile softly.

“Yoongi hyung wants to meet at the diner...” he said after some moments of silence.

“Just us?”

“I don't know... maybe the others will be there too...”



“Would you mind if I click a picture of you in that?”

He threw a pillow at me in reply, “I'm not talking to you!” he turned his back towards me.

“Hey Jungkook?”

No reply came, “Jungkook?” still no reply.


“Just go to sleep... I'm tired...”

“Oh okay.”

Soon enough Jungkook's breathing got steadier, “Wow he's asleep already...” I muttered closing my eyes too.

But sleep was nowhere near me...Goshhh  for how long did I take a nap this evening?

I lifted myself up a bit to peak at Jungkook who still had his back towards me. I got up, looming over Jungkook's sleeping form. As my bed was beside the window, the moonlight was giving Jungkook's face a light glow. I stood, suddenly captivated by the boy.

How can someone look so tough while awake...? And so innocent while asleep? It was really impossible to believe. How can he act so tough always? Who is he trying to fool? Himself? Others?

“Thank God I got to see this side of him... being himself.” I said to myself softly, so that he wouldn't wake up. A small smile formed on my face... Himself...a small, cute bunny...



It seems like it's mandatory for JK to wear a onesie in my Taekook FFs lol 🤣 I also made him wear one in “Playing With The Player” 😅😅😅

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now