Chapter 7️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

“But where are we going?” I asked as I was dragged around by my two friends to God knows where.

“You'll see!” Jimin had a evil smile on his face as we finally arrived at the surprise spot, expect I didn't see anything that'd surprise me. My expression changed to a questioning one as I stared at the duo.

We were standing in a relatively abandoned area and there was this haunted looking house in front of us and we were standing in front of its beaten down door. If you guys want to scare me with fake ghosts than I'm sorry because I won't get scared...

The words were on the tip of my tongue when Hoseok literally pushed me towards the door. I waited for the impact, as I thought the door was closed. It never came though as the momentum caused the door to open.

“SURPRISE!!” they shouted from behind me and soon I was pushed further inside the room by the overly excited duo. As I stood there, taking in all the colourful balloons, the surprisingly clean room which was decorated with a handwritten banner, ‘Welcome To Our Group TaeTae’, that hung on the dusty coloured wall, I couldn't help but grin like a fool.

I turned towards the two, both had a nervous looking smile on their faces, and threw my arms around their necks, engaging the three of us in a awkwardly positioned group hug. They didn't complain though and hugged me back with equal adoration.

“Wait...we also have a cake...” Jimin shyly said as he went towards one of the rooms and came back with a small chocolate cake in his hand, “It's not muc-”

“Oh shut up! All these is more than enough... I- when did you guys even plan this?” I interrupted the pink head while taking the cake from him, rather shamelessly I have to admit.

“We have been planning it for two days behind your back.” Hoseok laughed.

“Thank you so much guys! Can we eat the cake now?!” I was barely able to stop myself from shoving my face into the cake. Thankfully they were on the same page as me.

It took around twenty minutes for the three of us to erase the cake's existence, only the smell lingered in the air, “It's getting late...we should go now.” Hoseok suggested, checking the time.

We agreed and left the house parting ways with each other when one of us reached their home. Soon, I was alone, walking towards my home while humming a random tune. I was happy, never had I ever had such good friends, I found myself grinning again.


“Oh hey! You are late...well wait a bit. Your Dad will be back soon!” Mom's voice was heard from the kitchen.

“Moommm! You know what happened?!” and I told her all that happened that day, Dad arrived midway my story and my story telling continued on the dining table.

“They sound nice.” Dad said, nodding his head as if he were approving of them, maybe he was.

“Jimin and Hoseok right? Call them over sometime!” Mom included.

I nodded happily and soon we said goodnight to each other and I upstairs to my room, throwing myself on my bed with a contented smile.

Maybe I was too happy, maybe because I wasn't thinking straight, whatever it might have been my next action was pretty impulsive.

I texted Jungkook.

Hey...I was wondering when you'd want to start doing our project?

I stared down at my phone with utter horror, wishing I could turn back time but the deed was done and I waited for the sarcastic reply that was sure to come.

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now