Chapter 2️⃣8️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

“There really isn't any need to buy these...” Jungkook insisted again but I completely ignored him and paid for the anti infection cream, bandages and some rubbing alcohol to clean the wound.

“Let's go.” I grabbed his hand again and started walking towards where Jungkook had told me his house was.
He followed me like a whining child, making me smile.

“That's my house.” Jungkook pouted as he pointed at a four storied building.

“Okay let's go.”

“What are you doing?”

“What?” confused, I stared back. He looked like he was going to throw a tantrum.

“Where are you going?”

“Taking you home?”

“But I can go on my own!”

A humourless laugh escaped my mouth and I intentionally grabbed his injured hand lightly, “Of course you can but I am not leaving you alone in this situation.”

With his unharmed hand securely held in mine I continued walking, Jungkook was reluctantly following me.

“Is Mrs Jeon home?” I asked once we reached their apartment, Jungkook was typing the password.

“She has work... she'll be back at around 9...come in.” Jungkook opened the door and went in, I hesitantly followed, “That's my room... you can wait there.” after pointing to a room on the right he disappeared inside the, what I assume, bathroom.

Clutching the medicine bag tightly I entered his room. It was pretty simple, a sign that Jungkook didn't spend much time there. Even though it was simple, everything was neatly placed in their right places. My mind wandered off to my always messy bedroom and I sat down on his bed, feeling completely out of place.

“I cleaned the wound...we won't need those.” Jungkook said as soon as he came back.

“With what? Water? Show me.” I didn't wait for him to show me his hand and grabbed it, pulling it closer to my face to inspect the wound, “We definitely need those.”

With that said I made him sit on the bed and crouched down beside him. Carefully I emptied the bag, putting the contents on the bed. I stared at them, never had I ever patched up a wound before...he doesn't have to know that though...

“You... don't know what to do, right?” Jungkook questioned me after some time.

“I- I can search it on Google.” hastily I typed in my inquiry on my phone, feeling rather relived when the results showed up.

Jungkook had the audacity to laugh at me...that ungrateful “Pabo-yah...” I murmured the word under my breath.

“Did you say something?” he said, followed by a gasp as I put a cotton pad dipped in rubbing alcohol on his wound.

“Hmm nothing!” his pain lightened up my mood a bit and I cleaned the rest of his wound silently, occasionally checking Google to make sure I was doing everything right.

“Done!” I explained as I bandaged his wound, looking up at Jungkook I noticed that he was half asleep, “Tired?”

”Umm? Just hungry...” Jungkook replied while rubbing his eyes.

“Want me to cook something?” as soon as the words left my mouth I regretted even saying them. I had as much talent at cooking as my Dad.

My expression probably reflected my discomfort because Jungkook laughed and replied, “There's ramen too. On the top cupboard beside the stove.”

I gratefully smiled and went towards the kitchen, ”Beside the stove, right?”


“Oh yeah found it.” they were right in front, in fact that cupboard only had ramen in it. “Seems like someone is a ramen maniac.” After measuring the right amount of water I put the pot on stove, turning it on after some difficulty.

“Jungkook? Do you want some kimchi?” I had seen a container filled with delicious looking kimchi while looking for the pot.

“Yeah sure.”

Nodding, I put some kimchi on two separate plates. By the time I was done the water had boiled. I quickly added the ramen powder followed by the noodles and left it to cook without the lid on.

Around two minutes later it was done and I put the pot on a serving plate along with the kimchi plates and walked over to Jungkook's room while carefully balancing the plate.

“Jungkook here's your order!” as I entered the room my smile instantly fell from my face, Jungkook had fallen asleep. Sighing in irritation I put the plate down on the nightstand.

Right then a clicking sound was heard  followed by the sound of a door opening and someone walking in. Nervous, I froze as the footsteps got louder.


Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now