Chapter 1️⃣6️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

The next morning I made sure to get ready early and went downstairs to eat breakfast before Mom could call me, I had some permission to ask for.

That morning Mom seemed to be in a particularly good mood, so I took that chance, “Mom... you remember Jungkook?” she hummed in reply, clearing my throat I continued bravely, “Today is his birthday and he invited me for dinner...can I go?” the last part was said rather pleadingly.

“Your project partner?” Mom questioned me. Now even Dad was paying attention to our conversation. Probably remembering how Jungkook ditched me... My throat suddenly became very dry as I waited for Mom to reply.

“Hmm... okay. But don't be la-”

“Ohh thanks Mom! Promise I won't be late! Love you two!” I grinned, showing off my box smile.

Both my parents snorted at my reaction and waved me goodbye as I hurried out the front door, Jimin was waiting for me.

“Chimmmmm!” I said as I ran up to him, already out of breath.

“You look happy...what happened?!” and now he was as excited as me.

“Nothing much!” I giggled.

“Ahh that reminds me... I'll be going somewhere with Hoseok after you will have to return alone...sorry...”

That works out for me! Inside I was literally celebrating but outside I just used some of my acting skills, “Ohh...well okay... Where are you going?” Gotta sound curious.... otherwise he might be suspicious...Goshh now I'm even keeping secrets from Jimin because of Jungkook...

“I don't know actually. Hobi said it was a surprise...”

Shrugging it off both of us continued walking, meeting Hoseok half way. And the three of us chatted merrily for the rest of the walk.

Once we entered our classroom my eyes almost automatically wandered towards Jungkook's seat, only to find the latter looking at me too, he gave me a small smile. I could only nod my head in reply as Miss Yoon, our math's teacher, entered the classroom.

I...had no interest in this particular subject but when I turned my head to steal another glance of Jungkook I found him listening to Miss Yoon with all his attention. Ahhh he said something about liking this subject.... And I found myself doing what I am good at, doodling. It would seem that my doodling skill enhances in math classes... I mentally snickered.

The rest of the classes went by in a blur and school was, for that day, over.

Jimin and Hoseok were packing their bags hurriedly and when they were done they left after saying ‘goodbye’ and ‘sorry’.

“Where are they going?”

Jungkook's voice startled me and I turned to face the black haired boy, “I don't know actually...” Wow I repeated the exact words Jimin said this morning...

“You going right?” I nodded my head in affirmation, “Okay... remember the playground? That day when you were following me?”

Wow... thanks for making me look like a stalker... “Yeah. What about it?”

“Wait for me there, the diner is closer from there.”

Again I found myself nodding and Jungkook just left after that, leaving me to my thoughts.


“Is it too casual?” I muttered as I stated at my reflection. I was wearing something plain, but I looked good, kinda badass too.

 I was wearing something plain, but I looked good, kinda badass too

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“Or maybe I'm wearing too much black?” I sighed. amount of black is enough black... Deciding on wearing this outfit I left my home, obviously after promising Mom that I won't be late.

After about 10 songs (around 30-40 minutes) later I finally reached the said playground. It was pretty much deserted because of the time and I decided to sit down, it turned out to be the same bench I sat on the previous day.

I started swinging my legs back and forth as I waited. “Could you stop? It's making me dizzy...” a sigh of relief left my mouth when I heard that voice.

“You are late.” when I finally looked at him I couldn't stop laughing.


“Your outfit...” the rest of the sentence died as I continued laughing.

” the rest of the sentence died as I continued laughing

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“You are wearing all black too.” his voice sounded annoyed.

“Ye-yeah tha-that's why-”

“Wow....both of you are wearing black. I kinda feel out of place.” a voice chuckled from behind Jungkook.

“Mrs Jeon.” all the laughter left my voice and I found myself doing a 90° bow. And as she said, she was dressed in far more colours than the both of us.

“So you are Taehyung? Jungkook... You need to work on your description skills more. This young man is far more handsome than you gave him credit for.”

“Mom! I never described him!”

Jungkook was suffering and I definitely found it amusing, “You are very pretty too Mrs Jeon.” I bravely commented making her smile.

“Let's get going, shall we?” and the three of us started walking towards the diner, which was about 10 minutes away from the playground.

“The guys who work here are really nice.” Mrs Jeon said as she opened the door to the diner. I nodded my head remembering that Jungkook had said the same thing.

As soon as we stepped inside the diner two different voices called out Jungkook and my names.





My exams end tomorrow! Aye! *Dabs*

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