Chapter 5️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

The next day when I entered the class room alone, Jimin had some work, he'll be late and Hoseok wasn't there yet. Again my eyes went towards Jungkook's table only to find the latter staring right back at me but he turned his head away, staring out at the nature outside. His eyes looked a bit red from what I could see in that three second eye contact.

What's wrong with him... I couldn't continue my train of thoughts as the teacher, Miss Yoon, entered the class room making all the students take their seats. As I walked towards my empty table my gaze drifted off towards the lonely boy sitting at the corner. He wasn't looking at me anymore.

Halfway through the class, the classroom door opened, Jimin and Hoseok's faces popped up from behind the half opened door, they were breathing heavily. I looked up from the rather shapeless thing I was drawing, I know I shouldn't but Mathematics just isn't for me, when Miss Yoon questioned the duo, “And where exactly did you two come from?” she stopped a while to look down at her wrist watch and continued, “You two are 35 minutes late.” Miss Yoon was pretty young so when she put on a stern look, it didn't suit her.

“We can't really give any lame excuses... can we?” Hoseok asked bashfully.

Miss Yoon shaked her head no, “Detention after school.”

Both of them groaned but gratefully entered the class and sat down on their seats, “The went smoothly.” Jimin grinned.

“Yah you two!”

“Sorry Ma'am!” trying to hide our smiles, both Jimin and I said in union.

If I had looked at my left at that time, towards the window, I would have seen Jungkook staring at my direction.


“So where did you two go?” I asked when the three of us were standing at line to get our lunch.

The duo shared a rather secretive smile and Jimin answered, “That's a secret... you'll find out!”

With that both Jimin and Hoseok started giggling among themselves making me quite uncomfortable and, to be honest, scared.

Once we had our lunch plates filled we quickly scanned the canteen for a table, in that process I saw Jungkook sitting by himself on the same table as the first day, but this time he didn't have a lunch plate in front of him.

I was frowning as I sat down on the table they found, looking behind quite frequently at Jungkook. But he never took out or got anything to eat.

“You know Tae? You are going to be really surprised!” Hoseok grinned.

“About what...?” I found myself asking in a small voice.

Again they grinned, pretty creepily if you ask me, and left my question unanswered, making me worry about what kind of surprise they had in store for me. They continued chatting letting me eat my lunch peacefully.

Just as I put the last spoon of rice into my mouth a ringing noise was heard. Jeez... thank God I finished in time... As if suddenly remembering I looked behind again, but the boy I was looking for wasn't there.

“You guys go on... I'll be back in a bit.” I informed them when all of us were done putting the plates away.

“For what?” Jimin asked, confused.

This time I grinned slyly as I replied, “Secret!” With that I quickly ran over to the lunch lady, asking in a hurry, “Can I have a burger, please?”

“Ah a growing boy like you should definitely eat dear!” she smiled kindly at me as she handed me the burger. I muttered a quick "thank you’ and gave her the money, running towards my classroom as soon as I was done.

I entered just in time, sitting beside Jimin, “Where di- Good afternoon Ma'am!” his question was interrupted as the teacher entered.


“I'll text you the location later, okay?” Hoseok said to me.

School finally ended and Jimin and Hoseok had detention so I had to go somewhere on my own, that somewhere being the place where the surprise would take place, “Yeah yeah... okay. I might be new here but I'm not a baby...” I pouted.

“Aww how cute! Okay we gotta go...see you later Tae!” Jimin said as he dragged Hoseok towards the detention room.

I sighed as I turned to leave. On my way outside I noticed a familiar black haired boy walking in front of me. Without thinking, I shouted out his name, “HEY JUNGKOOK!”

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