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(Tae's POV)

2 months later

“Gosh Taehyung... I explained this like 5 times already...” Jungkook said as he put down the pen in his hand in irritation.

Exams start from next week and everyone was studying really hard. Jungkook and I were studying Maths at his house and well... nothing was going right, “I still don't get it...”

“How can you be so bad at Maths?” Jungkook scratched his head and picked up the pen again.

“Well... it's not my fault that I am kinda weak at this subject! And I also helped you study the other subjects... I didn't get mad at you.”

Jungkook sighed, “It's not like I'm mad at you, babe...”

Babe... it's been two months that we got together and I still can't get used to it. I can't even believe that we are together...I stared at the boy thoughtfully.

“Tae? Baby?”

“It's still weird...”


“This ‘babe’ thing...” and it's true...in these 2 months I have never called him ‘babe’ or anything like that.

Oh...well just concentrate on this formula.”

I didn't have to be a genius to understand that he was sad, “Jungkook...”


“How can I when you are being a whinny baby?”

“I'm not whining and I'm not a baby.” came the cold reply.

I moved from my place on the floor and joined Jungkook on the bed. Jungkook had insisted that we sit separately so that we can actually get some studying done.

I moved my hand behind his head and started playing with his hair, that was something that I did a lot, Jungkook never complained. It was as if I was petting him and the hidden bunny in his soul secretly enjoyed it too, “Well...you are my baby. Like it or not.” I purred beside his ear.

“Whahhh- wait! On the floor Tae! On the floor! We have to study!” and he shoved me down again.

His silly antics were killing me and my stomach was hurting because of all that laughter, Jungkook's expression was making it more hard for me to stop.

“Hey boys! How's studying going on?” Mrs Jeon said when she entered the house.

I instantly stopped laughing and Jungkook and I checked the time, 9.15 p.m. Both of us went quiet at the realisation, I had come to his house in the morning, “Good Mom!”, we replied together. We had informed our partners that we were dating one month ago, all three of them were happy, especially Jungkook's Mom.

“I'll get some snacks ready for you two!”

“Thanks Mom!”


On 31 December

Our exams went pretty smoothly and all five of us were really happy that exams were finally over. Christmas was filled with joy for everyone t too.

On the night of New Year's Eve I was returning home from the convenience store, where Yeonjun had greeted me warmly. The manager that worked there lost his job because of how he treated his employees.

I shivered as a gust of cold wind blew and I pulled my jacket closer to my body.

With shaky legs I reached my house and opened the front door, but only darkness greeted me. Confused I put down the ramen noodles that I was told to buy and looked around for the switch.

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now