Chapter 2️⃣0️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

The next morning I woke up at the sound of my alarm ringing, it was really annoying. At least I changed the tune...gosh my feet hurt... As I massaged my aching feet my mind wandered back to the events from last night.

After I had informed him about my thoughts he had simply ran away. No goodbye, no goodnight, nothing. Instantly making me regret even uttering those words. Than I had to walk all the way to home, didn't bother to go back to the diner as I knew they would have asked me questions, and then Mom's scolding.

I sighed tiredly...I'm not ready for today... All I wanted to do was go to sleep.


God she's still angry... I cringed, “I'M UP!”

I took my phone out to text Jimin, I wasn't feeling like going with him today. That's what I texted him expect giving an excuse that I was going to be late. His reply came after a minute or so, ‘Okay... 🙁’.

I sighed again and went on to do my morning routine before Mom could scream at me again. Within 20 minutes I was done eating breakfast and left my house, exactly five minutes late with Mr Choi's class first.
What a great way to start a day!

As I stood in front of the classroom door, I could hear Mr Choi's voice from inside. Suddenly I was as nervous as my first day, probably even more. I slowly opened the door,“ I'm sorry, Sir!” I did a 90° bow, making it a lot like the first day.

“You are late Taehyung.” his voice was stern, I gulped down my saliva, bracing myself for the worst, “Make sure it doesn't happen again...go sit down now. Okay as I was...” the rest of his words didn't reach my ears, I was stunned, everyone in the class was too probably. I went straight to sit down. But, this one action was different from what I had done the first day. Instead of sitting beside the pink haired boy, I went straight to the black haired boy.


Jungkook and I didn't speak, he didn't even look my way. And when finally lunch arrived and I was prepared to talk to Jungkook; Jimin, Hoseok and surprisingly Namjoon too appeared in front of our table. “A word.” Namjoon said, grabbing my hand dragging me away from Jungkook, who was ignoring this whole incident.

The four of us continued walking until we reached what looked like an old classroom. We went inside and yet again I thought that I wasn't prepared for the day.

“We want to apologize to Jungkook.” Jimin said, the other two nodding their heads in agreement.

Apologize...? “What?”

“Apologize.” Hoseok repeated the words slowly as if he were talking to a five year old.

Too confused to reply with anything coherent I simply nodded my head, feeling as if why they wanted to apologize to him suddenly didn't really matter.

“Where do you think he is?” Namjoon questioned.

“Canteen maybe...? Seeing as it's lunchtime...” I said even though I knew that Jungkook didn't really eat lunch at school.

That's where we headed next. I was expecting to see Jungkook sitting all by himself but upon entering the canteen when I looked at the table where Jungkook normally sat, I only saw a group of girls surrounding the table. One of the girls was unacceptably close to Jungkook but her expression wasn't quite right. A sort of mocking smile was on her face and the other girls also wore a sly smile. All the other students were ignoring the commotion that was going on in that particular corner.

With disgust I realized what was going on there– they were bullying him.

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