Chapter 3️⃣4️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

“I what?” Taehyung looked dumbfundedly at Jimin who had just declared something that Taehyung definitely didn't do.

“You just confessed.”

“When did I?” he turned towards Jungkook, hoping he'd support him but Jungkook didn't.

“Yes you did.”


“You just said you like me.”

“No I didn't! I said that I wasn't wasting my feelings on you!”

“That literally translates into ‘I like you’.” Hoseok said.

“No it doesn't!”

“So you don't like me?”

“Why would that matter to you?” Taehyung was getting a bit irritated, “You already like someone else!” he huffed.


“Shut up! I heard you talking to Yoongi hyung the other day. He was saying something about an asshole being perfect for you.” Taehyung said trying not to sound guilty while confessing that he had overheard their conversation.

“Why would someone call themselves an ‘asshole’?”

“Hyung also told you to sle- what did you just say?” Taehyung questioned when the words that Jungkook said sank in.

“You are calling yourself an ‘asshole’ dumbo...” Jungkook gave him a small smile.

“What's going on here?!”

All the students nearly jumped at that voice, everyone was way too absorbed by the drama that was unfolding in front of their eyes, “I said what is going on here? What are you two doing? Get back to your seats!” Mr Choi ordered in a stern voice making everyone scurry towards their seats.

Shocked and kind of scared too Taehyung just sat down beside Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin returned to their seats and when everyone was seated Mr Choi spoke up again, “Miss Yoon couldn't come today, she just informed us a while ago. So I'll be taking the first class today.”

Everyone groaned at that, because Mr Choi had three classes back to back that day, as he still had some syllabus left, which meant that they'd have to go through 4 hours of Mr Choi's classes.

“Shut up you brats! Now where did I stop last time?”

Both Taehyung and Jungkook zoned out after that as they were busy giving each other small smiles.

Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin grinned at this, they knew that Yoongi's plan was rather lame but while they were discussing it, Jungkook had appeared at the diner again. And when he saw all of them huddled together he had demanded to know what they were discussing and eventually he had also decided to take part in the plan.

All three of them were glad to see that the plan actually worked out and were praising Jungkook for his excellent acting and skillful emotional dialogues.



Everyone cheered when the fourth class finally ended, “Don't sound so happy... your final exams start on the first week of December. Study hard.” leaving behind a bitter taste, Mr Choi left.

Everyone sighed in relief as all were starving and had headaches, well except two, “Okay, so clearly tell me.” Taehyung questioned Jungkook.

“We were literally flirting for the last four hours and it's still not clear for you?”

“ Clear everything up.”

“You said you like me and lucky for you I like you too.” Jungkook replied with a sly smile.

“But you never said you like me!”

“Could you please stop? We are going to be late for lunch!”

“And you don't even eat lunch at school.”

“Well I'll if you buy some burgers for me!” with that he literally dragged Taehyung out of the classroom. Laughing, the other three followed after them.

As for the other students, all of them were shocked to see this side of Jungkook. The same Jungkook that they thought was in a gang, oh how wrong they were. Taehyung had successfully brought the best side of Jungkook out. Now all of them couldn't help but think that they also should be punished for assuming something about someone, just like Chaesoo was, she was prohibited from attending classes for the next three months and her total score from the final exams would also lessen by 30%.


“Here's your burger.” Taehyung said as he placed two burgers and a bottle of orange juice in front of Jungkook.

All five of them were sitting inside the canteen with food in front of them, “There you go.” Jungkook handed one of the burgers to Taehyung.

“Why are you giving it to me?”

“Did you think that I'd eat both of the burgers without giving you one?” Jungkook sounded offended.

“Ahh...what about the juice? I only bought one.”

“You guys can share it...and please shut up. Let us eat in peace.” their sickening sweet talk had Hoseok feeling sick.

“Shouldn't we inform hyung?” Jimin asked.

“Huh? What's the hurry?” confused, Taehyung asked.

“Well it was his pla-” Jimin did stop but was a tab bit late.

“What plan?”

And everyone sighed, putting away their goods because all knew they needed to tell Taehyung the truth, and they did.

“That's so stu- why did you agree with them?” Taehyung sounded hurt when he asked Jungkook this.

“Well...I was too scared...and I know you are angry but I'm sorry.” Jungkook replied.

“Well...if you guys hadn't done this I think we would have never been able to get together on our own...”

“So... you are not angry with us...?” Namjoon asked to which Taehyung shaked his head slowly, giving his friends a small but grateful smile.

“But a punishment...this juice is mine.” Taehyung grinned at Jungkook.

Everyone laughed at that, feeling rather relived and Jungkook happily handed over the juice to Taehyung.



See how I patch shit up? With a lame plan...btw what happened between the guy and Taekook was exactly what they had planned.

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