Chapter 3️⃣0️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

Mrs Jeon woke up the next morning early as usual, she had to go to work. Ignoring the protests of her tired body she got up, “I should prepare breakfast for them...” she said when she remembered that Taehyung was staying with them. With a sudden new found energy she went straight to the kitchen. Looking through all the cupboards for the items she needed.

“Gosh...I can't find anything...where is everything?!” frustration radiated off of her, Jungkook had been the one who cooked mostly all the meals. Regret and guilt filled her because after she got divorced she had distanced herself from Jungkook and concentrated solely on her work.

“Should I wake Jungkook up? I'm running out of time too...yeah that'll be best.” she hurried towards her son's room and opened the door carefully so that Taehyung wouldn't wake up.

I have to to be careful while walking...she thought as Taehyung was sleeping on the floor but when she looked down she noticed that the bedding was empty, confused she looked at the bed and there the two friends were sleeping together, holding onto each other, comfortably.

The sight made her think of some wild possibilities but she shaked them off. As she watched the duo sleeping peacefully she thought that it'd be better to let them be, “But they have school too...” she sighed, her brain was telling her to wake them up but her heart was saying otherwise. The content, peaceful and happy look on her son's sleeping face made her heart ache. She decided to leave them alone and left for work without eating breakfast.


(JK's POV)

I stirred in my sleep only to have my leg hit something. Or is it someone...? I felt around with my leg, touching the unknown barrier and causing it to groan.

My eyes flew open at that noise and I turned my face around, Taehyung's sleeping form was inches away from mine, our faces were too close, so much that I could hardly breath. Carefully I inched away from him, taking a deep breath once I had put enough distance between us.

Last time he was sleeping on the floor and now... he's sleeping right next to me. Ahhh why did I have to make such a stupid suggestion?!

Quietly, I removed the comforter, immediately missing the comforting warmth it was providing. Why the hell is my face heating up?!

“You are up?” Goshh...his voice sounds even more sexy than before... I ‘hmm'-ed in reply and slowly got up from the bed...well tried to cause my clumsy ass had to trip over the comforter that I didn't fully remove. The result? I lost balance and literally fell on top of Taehyung.

His reaction was hilarious, as soon as he realized that I was falling he made a poor attempt of breaking my fall. What happened next was rather awkward for the both of us. My face was exactly on top of Taehyung's. My lips were almost touching his. Too shocked to understand what had happened, both of us didn't move an inch and stayed in that position for some time.

In the speed of lighting we both moved away from each other, my face was on fire and when I stole a glance of Taehyung, he looked equally shaken, “I'll get fresh fi-first...” with that he literally ran towards the bathroom.

I let out a shaky breath as I fanned my face, hoping it would cool down a bit by the time Taehyung returned.

To distract my mind from the disturbing thoughts I grabbed my phone from on top of the nightstand and unlocked it, “What time is it?”

I was so startled that I almost dropped my phone, Taehyung was back. Wearing only a towel.

 Wearing only a towel

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“Almost noon...” I quickly averted my gaze from his upper body.

“Ahh we missed school...”

“I had no intention of going basically you missed school...” I murmured, playing with the phone in my hand, my head hung low.

“Amm... should we go to the diner for lunch? I don't feel like cooking anything...” I said when Taehyung didn't reply.

“We can't.”

“Why?” my head jerked up to look at him. Immediately my eyes became as big as tennis balls. I saw Taehyung's lean muscled upper body.

“How can you expect me to go out like this?” Taehyung turned his back towards me and started scratching his head.

“ Just wear my clothes. I'll go get fresh too.” I rushed out of the room after grabbing some t-shirt and jeans, missing the curt nod that he gave me.

“Taehyung let's go.” I said as soon as I entered my room.

“What's this?” Taehyung asked, holding up a yellow clothing, he was dressed in one of my many white t-shirts and a pair of ripped jeans.

“Yah! Leave it alone!” I violently snatched the onesie from him.

“I thought you didn't like it...”

My cheeks coloured, “Shut up. Let's go.”

I stormed out of my house, fuming in anger, followed by a laughing Taehyung.

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