Chapter 2️⃣7️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

I was looking everywhere frantically, trying my best to find Jungkook but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Where are you Jungkook?” there was a sudden urgency in my voice as I fetched out my mobile from my pocket. I dialed his number with shaky hands, it rang for a while before the annoying ‘the person you are trying to reach is not answering the call, please try after some time’ was heard.

I continued calling him and he continued ignoring it, that was until I heard light ringing noise coming from one of the rooms in the hallway I was in. Concentrating fully I followed the noise which led me to the abandoned classroom. I pressed my ear on the door, trying to listen to any sound coming from inside.

“The ringing sound is definitely coming from here...” I murmured softly as I slowly opened the door, the ringing noise got louder.

Carefully I entered the room and looked around, all the desks were pushed behind at the back of the room, I walked closer to the desks. Just to be sure I dialed Jungkook's number again and sure enough his phone rang loudly from behind all the desks.

“Jungkook...?” getting no response I also went behind the desks and Jungkook was right there, with his back leaning against a desk that was lying on the floor, looking out through the window that was right in front of him, his mobile laid neglected beside him.

I realized something, that place, Jungkook went there often and I had no doubt that it was him who had set up the desks like this.

“Jungkook...” I softly whispered his name as I approached him, he looked as if he weren't paying attention to anything around if he weren't even in this world.

Deciding against bothering him more, I quietly sat down on the floor behind him.


(Third Person POV)

“Sorry guys I'm late...” Mr Choi said as soon as he entered the class, “Someone had these posters stuck everywhere in the took me a while to rip them off.” he said, holding up all the butchered up posters.

“Where is Jungkook?” Mr Choi said after quickly scanning the classroom.

At this Chaesoo couldn't stop smirking  my plan worked after all...

We don't know sir... He ran away after seeing the posters...” Namjoon replied dutifully.

“Ahh... seems reasonable. Is he alone?”

This time Jimin, who had entered the classroom after Taehyung ran after Jungkook, answered, “No Mr Choi... Taehyung is with him.”

Mr Choi nodded his head approvingly but then his expression darkened, “Now...who put these posters up?”

The repressed anger in his voice chilled everyone as no one had ever witnessed nor heard Mr Choi getting angry.

Whispering started inside the classroom as everyone thought about what to do and Chaesoo had gone relatively pale.

“Han Chaesoo, sir.” all the whispering immediately stopped as Hoseok spoke.

“Ahh Chaesoo...can I have a word with you after class?”

Even though she was scared out of her wits she nodded her head, dreading the moment when class would be over.


(JK's POV)

I don't know for how long I was there...I had missed all the classes...I knew that but I couldn't really care. Staying here was better than being in there surrounded by them.

It made me laugh actually, in fact I had spent the first few minutes in here laughing humourlessly. It was really funny how just one picture could ruin my life, a picture that wasn't even true. This place had been my safe heaven all these years.

I sighed, the sky outside was a perfect blend of different shades of red and orange. Hopefully they won't call Mom... I got up only to sit back down in fright when I saw Taehyung staring right back at me.

He's always here... isn't he? I smiled sadly at him.

His poker face didn't change, “Do you want to go and see Miss Kang?” he pointed at my hand, which was bleeding. When did this happen?

“There's some broken glass over there...” he pointed somewhere near where I was sitting.

“Amm...nah. She's probably sick of seeing me.” I joked, Miss Kang would never grow sick of me, neither would my Mom and... I watched the guy in front of me closely, Taehyung was definitely worried about me but his poker face had successfully hidden that. As I watched him I came to a confusing conclusion, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad or both... Nor would he...

“So your home?”

His sudden question caught me off guard as I could only nod my head ... he's taking me back home...?

“Okay let's go. I'll text Jimin to take care of our bags.” he got up, lending me his hand when he was back in his feet.

I gratefully grabbed his hand with my unharmed hand, his hand was way warmer than mine, “Taehyung...?”

He softly ‘humm'-ed in reply, “Nothing...” thanks for being here with me...

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now