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"Jeongguk, I want you to meet your new server, Kim Taehyung." The king himself introduced as Taehyung bowed down for the young prince.

"Wow father, you didn't tell me my new server would be so hot," Jeongguk said cheerfully.

The king rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You're getting married to princess Chungha soon, please behave and be nice to Taehyung."

Jeongguk sighed and ruffled his neatly sat hair. "I'll try, I guess."

"Good and also, princess Chungha is eating dinner with us tonight, please behave nicely and treat her well, she has to like you." The king told.

"But she already thinks I'm hot, also she's not my type," Jeongguk complained.

The king just ignored his son and tapped Taehyungs back, telling him to stand up from his bowing position on the floor.

"Please prepare a warm bath for the prince for him to relax." Taehyung nodded and went to do as told.

"Don't do anything stupid." The king warned with a warning finger pointed at his son and walked away shortly after, glaring slightly at the young and careless prince.

"Aye Taehyung!" Jeongguk called as he entered his bathroom, Taehyung sitting on his knees on the floor by the huge bathtub, trying to make the water a perfect temperature.

"Do you like it here so far?" Jeongguk questioned as he leaned against the bathroom sink.

Taehyung nodded and got up from the floor, going to take some vanilla and almond soap from a cabinet.

"Use words please," Jeongguk ordered.

"It's nice here," Taehyung told as he put some soap in the tub, going back to the cabinet and finding some different kinds of sensual oils to put in.

Jeongguk hummed and pushed himself off the sink, walking towards Taehyung.

"You're really pretty, do you know that?" Jeongguk questioned and grabbed Taehyungs jaw softly.

"Young Prince, you're making me uncomfortable," Taehyung told in a small voice and gazed at the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jeongguk apologized and let go, his hand falling down to his side.

It got quiet for a while, both of them gazing at the floor.

"Your bath is ready," Taehyung told and respectively bowed down before slowly leaving.

"That boy is pretty," Jeongguk mumbled as he unbuttoned his silk clothes and let it slide down his shoulders before hitting the ground, he slowly slid off his pants and boxers before taking a step into the warm bath, sighing in relief as he slid into the bath and leaned his head back.

"Taehyung is getting some points for this, this is nice," Jeongguk whispered as he closed his eyes, truly feeling warm and relaxed.

Taehyung was in the young prince's bedroom, preparing the clothes for Jeongguk to step into when he was done with his warm bath.

When Taehyung had found the clothes for Jeongguk, he knocked on the door to the bathroom.

"Prince Jeongguk, your clothes are waiting for you," Taehyung told through the door and went to leave but were stopped by Jeongguk's voice through the door.

"Can you get me my bathrobe?"

"Of course, Prince Jeongguk," Taehyung responded and grabbed Jeongguks bathrobe, before opening the bathroom door, walking in and carefully closing it behind him again.

"Here you go," Taehyung whispered as Jeongguk got up from the bath while Taehyung wrapped the robe around Jeongguk.

"Thank you very much." Jeongguk thanked. "You're allowed to go now."

Taehyung nodded and bowed before quickly leaving the young prince alone in the bathroom again.

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