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"Taehyung." Chungha called as she sat by the dinning table at breakfast, Jeongguk wasn't there, like always, only the king, queen and princess Chungha.

"Yes, princess Chungha." Taehyung responded and bowed.

"I need you to join me at the mall today, I feel like you could help me a lot."

"But I'm here to serve prince Jeongguk."

"It's alright, Taehyung, just help her out today, will you?" The king questioned.

"Of course, your majesty." Taehyung bowed.

"You're the best server we've ever had, Taehyung." The king chuckled and ruffled Taehyungs hair as he bowed for him.

"Can I have some water?" The queen asked and clutched her aching head.

"Do you need a painkiller too?" Taehyung asked politely.

"Please." The queen responded and Taehyung rushes to get water and a painkiller for her headache.

An hour later Chungha and Taehyung got into one of the many royal cars and were driven to the mall by Hoseok.

"See you in 5 hours." Chungha told Hoseok as she waived, knowing she had told him earlier to come back in 5 hours, Hoseok gave a thumbs up and drove off.

"What would you like to do first, princess Chungha?"

"Wedding dresses." Chungha replied and turned to the little shop on the other side of the street, a wedding dress shop.

Taehyung had to compose himself, did she really just bring the boy her groom was supposedly in love with, out to buy a wedding dress?

Taehyung sucked it up and escorted her over the street and into the shop, all the workers in the shop wanted to help them as soon as they entered.

Taehyung followed Chungha around as she looked at dresses and asked him for fashion advice.

"You're really good at this." Chungha commented. "Have you tried this before?"

Taehyung shrugged. "I helped my little sister pick out her dress."

"Oh really, how old is she?"

"She's 18." Taehyung responded and Chungha nodded thoughtfully.

She continued to look around and suddenly stumbled upon a dress she liked. "What do you think?"

"I like the creamy color and the long lace sleeves." Taehyung told.

Chungha nodded and went to try it on. "I like it, do I look okay?"

"You look amazing." Taehyung replied, honestly and then removed his eyes from Chungha and looked at the ground. "You're going to be an amazing bride." Taehyung said with a small voice.

Chungha sat down besides him on a bench in the shop. "What's wrong?" She questioned.

"It's nothing, you look beautiful." Taehyung told and send her a fake smile.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You already did."

"No seriously." Chungha said as she laughed a bit, that's the first time he ever heard her laugh, ever.


"Do you like Jeongguk?"

Taehyung looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "How could I not."

Chungha chuckled. "Right."

"I'm not trying to do anything, you're the one who's going to marry him, but it's hard not to."

"This is going to hurt me to say, because I do love him too but I also know that he'll never like me back, I'm not a boy and I know he has already set his eyes on you."

"He has?"

"He totally likes you." Taehyung giggled and very lightly pushed Chungha, making her giggle too. "You can do whatever you want with him, even when we get married, I shouldn't try to stop you two."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Chungha. "Thank you, you're the best."

"Yeah yeah, let's buy this dress in case we can't knock off this wedding."

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