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"Are you alright, Jungkook?" Taehyung questioned and sat down besides Jeongguk on his bed.

Jeongguk sighed and leaned his head on Taehyungs shoulder, placing a hand on Taehyungs thigh.

Taehyung smiled softly and rubbed Jeongguks back.

"I can't believe my mother is sick and is still thinking about me and Chungha." Jeongguk rubbed his head on Taehyungs shoulder.

Taehyung lifted his hand to Jeongguks hair and ran his long slim fingers through it.

"I'm going to prepare your shower and find you some clothes." Taehyung told.

Jeongguk sighed and kissed Taehyungs soft and squishy cheek. "I don't want that family dinner, I'm going to miss my mother but I'm not ready to hear about the wedding, I don't want the wedding to happen."

"I'm not ready for the wedding either, I'm going to loose my boyfriend." Taehyung told.

Jeongguk wrapped his arms around Taehyung, still leaning his head on Taehyungs shoulder. "You won't lose me."

"Yeah, but you're still going to be married." Taehyung stated and Jeongguk nodded. "I can't really deny that."

Taehyung snickered and leaned into Jeongguks embrace, closing his eyes.

"I'm so done with this world." Taehyung told and Jeongguk laughed. "I am too."

"Now strip, so you can shower." Taehyung told, making Jeongguk laugh even more as Taehyung got out of his embrace and went into the bathroom.

Jeongguk sat on his bed for a little while longer and sighed heavily. "I really love this boy."

"I love you too, but please get ready for your shower!" Taehyung yelled from the bathroom, Jeongguk snickered to himself and joined Taehyung in the bathroom.

Around an hour and a half later, Jeongguk was sitting by the dinner table with Chungha, the queen and the king.

Taehyung was placing food on the table and pouring wine to everyone.

"Let's have a toast, for the queen and the soon to be wedded." The King said as he lifted his wine glass and took a small sip with the others.

"Are you two excited?" The queen asked, hoping that Jeongguk would lie, just to make her happy.

None of them responded and just focus on their food as Taehyung stood in the corner of the room, waiting to receive orders.

The queen sighed and asked Taehyung for a glass of water, which he soon got for her, carefully handing the queen her water and respectfully bowing for her.

"My queen, what are you the most excited for at the wedding?" The king asked, to calm down the awkward and intense air in the room.

The queen moved her eyes to Taehyung, he were standing by one of the walls, waiting for orders like he would usually do.

"To see Taehyung leave and not coming back." She replied, watching as Taehyungs face twisted with sadness for a second before turning back to a neutral state.

Jeongguk slammed his fist on to the big heavy dining table and glared at his dying mother. "That is never going to happen! You're the one who's going to leave, I love that boy but I most certainly don't love you!"

The queen stood up and excused herself, all of them knew she wasn't coming back to the dining table.

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