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"Jungkook," Taehyung called.

The said prince turned to his server with a questioning look.

"The queen wants to speak with you," Taehyung told and smiled at him, afterward bowing for him.

"Okay," Jeongguk mumbled and clapped Taehyungs back as he walked past him.

Jeongguk sat down in front of the queen, she was in her private room like she were most of the time.

"You wanted to speak to me?" Jeongguk asked and placed his hands on the queen's desk.

"Yes, Chungha will be here in a few hours and you two are going out, I don't care what you're going to do, just be with her, you two are getting married soon."


"Don't ask questions and get Taehyung to prepare a bath and some clothes, also send Namjoon in here."

Jeongguk rolled his eye and quickly left, not forgetting to tell Namjoon, to go see the queen.

"What did she talk to you about?" Taehyung questioned when Jeongguk entered the kitchen, having been looking for Taehyung for a while, Taehyung watching their cook, SeokJin, prepare a meal for the king.

"She wanted me to go on a date with Chungha or whatever, so can you prepare me a bath and find me some clothes?" Jeongguk asked, rubbing his temples.

"Of course, Jungkook," Taehyung responded and bowed before walking to Jeongguk's room.

"I think you and Chungha would be a great couple if you weren't gay," SeokJin told the prince.

Jeongguk snickered, "is it that obvious."

"Oh yeah," SeokJin responded and handed Jeongguk a small cupcake before telling him to leave.

Jeongguk took a very long bath, dreading the thought of having to spend the day with Chungha.

"This is going to be so boring," Jeongguk whined as he had gotten out of the bath and had made Taehyung button his shirt.

Taehyung snickered and shook his head. "Chungha is a beautiful and intelligent girl, I'm sure you would be in love with her if you weren't the gayest person I've ever seen," Taehyung commented as he fiddled with one of the buttons on Jeongguk's shirt.

"That's probably true, but you're more my type than she is."

"Because I'm a boy?"

"That too."

They both laughed as Taehyung finished off the last button and tapped Jeongguk's chest. "You're ready for your amazing date," Taehyung told with a sarcastic tone. Jeongguk shook his head.

"Can you clean my room while I'm gone?" Jeongguk questioned.

"No, I'm making the maid, Jimin, do it, it's his job."

"Jimin isn't just a maid."

"You're right, he's one of my best friends in this house, that's why I'm making him do it."

Jeongguk laughed as he left and very soon found the princess, Chungha.

"Hello, Prince Jeongguk." Chungha greeted and gave a small bow, her face only showed seriousness and matureness.

Jeongguk sighed inwardly, this wasn't going to be very funny, she took everything way too serious.

"Should we go?" Chungha asked and captured Jeongguk's big eyes with her own, much more mature eyes.

"Yes, but where are we going?"

"You're supposed to know that, you're the boy," Chungha told as she linked her arm with Jeongguks.

"Well if that isn't sexism," Jeongguk muttered under his breath.


"Nothing," Jeongguk mumbled.

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