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"Jungkook, I have breakfast for you, you didn't eat dinner yesterday and I got a little worried." Taehyung spoke through Jeongguks door, a tray of food in his hands.

Jeongguk opened his room door, his hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes, he were wearing a white T-shirt and boxers.

"Thank you, Tae." Jeongguk thanked and took the tray from Taehyung, going to close the door but Taehyung stopped it with his foot.

"Why do you look like that?"

"It's my resting bitch face." Jeongguk replied as he sat down on his bed and took a big piece of meat in his mouth.

Taehyung snickered and walked in, closing the door behind him. "That's not what I meant."

"What? Do you think I'm ugly?"

"No." Taehyung whined and hit around with his arms at the air. "You're really handsome but you look like a wreck right now."

Jeongguk laughed and patted the space besides him, wanting Taehyung to sit down and he did, he calmly sat down and leaned his head on Jeongguks shoulder as he watched him eat the food Jin had prepared for him.

"I've been up all night." Jeongguk explained.

"Why?" Taehyung questioned and moved a little closer to Jeongguk, resting his hands on his own knees.

"I had a lot of thinking to do." Jeongguk whispered.

Taehyung sighed and adjusted his position, so he could rub Jeongguks back.

"Do you need sleeping pills?" Taehyung questioned.

"Nah, I'm good."

"It doesn't look like it." Taehyung commented.

Jeongguk snickered and fed a piece of meat to Taehyung, having noticed him eying it.

"I just feel a huge pressure and just all that with Chungha, it's stressing me out."

Taehyung suddenly gasped and placed a soft hand on one of Jeongguks cheeks.

"She hit you really hard." Taehyung told when he saw the handprint the queen had left on his cheek.

"It's nothing." Jeongguk shrugged off and continued eating.

Taehyung sighed and placed his head back on Jeongguks shoulder.

"Do you miss home?" Jeongguk questioned.

"Sometimes, but I get to visit them sometimes, so it's okay." Jeongguk nodded.

Jeongguk soon finished his food and placed the tray on the floor, knowing Jimin would clean it later.

Jeongguk sighed and placed his head on top of Taehyungs. "Tae." Jeongguk called.

Taehyung hummed. "Can you help me with something."

"What do you need?"

"Cuddles, I just want someone near me right now."

Taehyung snickered and lifted his head from Jeongguks shoulder, forcing Jeongguk to lift his as well. "Of course."

They both laid down on Jeongguks big bed and Jeongguk wrapped his arms around Taehyungs warm body.

"This is nice." Jeongguk mumbled and closed his eyes, pulling Taehyung into his chest and placing his head on Taehyungs.

Taehyung liked this, he wasn't used to something like this but it was warm and cosy, so he did what felt right and wrapped his arms around Jeongguks neck and forced Jeongguk to lift his head, by lifting his own head and looking up at Jeongguk.

"I'm so tired." Jeongguk mumbled.

Taehyung poked Jeongguks nose. "Then sleep." 

"Thank you, Tae, I owe you one." Jeongguk said gratefully.

"It's fine, Jungkook." Taehyung whispered and closed his eyes as well.

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